Chimera Keyboard Shortcuts (Accelerators)

Keyboard shortcuts are disabled by default, but can be enabled by choosing Tools... General Controls... Accelerators On from the Chimera menu.

To enable shortcuts automatically in subsequent uses of Chimera, open the Tools preferences, check the Auto Start option for Accelerators On, and Save the preferences.

To see a list of the available shortcuts with brief descriptions, choose Tools... General Controls... Accelerator List from the menu.

The following keyboard shortcuts are included with Chimera:
-- Last updated for Chimera version 1.2297, 10/2/06 --
Visualization Framework
Opening, Saving, Closing
Move Viewpoint or Models
Background Color
Selecting Objects
Model Display and Clipping
Commands, Mouse, Messages
Zones and Selections
Multimers and Symmetry
Volume Data
Opening, Saving, Closing
Surface Display
Area, Volume, Length Measurement
Modifying Volume Data
Fit or Build Models
Opening, Saving, Closing
opOpen file
osOpen session
ffFetch file from web
olOpen last file
okOpen 2nd to last file
ojOpen 3nd to last file
o2Open last 2 files
o3Open last 3 files
loShow names of files last opened
(via dialog or accelerator only)
siSave image
SsSave session
ssSave session as
CaClose all models
CsClose session
QtQuit Chimera
Move Viewpoint or Models
vaView all models
soStandard orientation
x9Turn 90 degrees about x axis
y9Turn 90 degrees about y axis
z9Turn 90 degrees about z axis
svShow Side View dialog
crSet center of rotation (pivot)
a0 Activate model 0 (toggle)
a1Activate model 1 (toggle)
a2Activate model 2 (toggle)
a3Activate model 3 (toggle)
aaActivate all models
arInactivate active models and activate inactive models
atActivate all models and remember which were inactive; used again, inactivates remembered models
OpOriginal model positions (reset default)
wtWrite relative transformation matrices
Background Color
bkSet background to black
wbSet background to white
dcToggle depth cueing
Selecting Objects
saSelect all
csClear selection
isInvert selection (selected models)
iSInvert selection (all models)
Model Display and Clipping
mpShow Model Panel dialog
clShow Per-Model Clipping dialog
tcToggle clipping mouse modes
ccClip and cap surface
Commands, Mouse, Messages
meShow Midas emulator (Command Line)
hmHide Midas emulator (Command Line)
afAccelerators Off
adAccelerators dialog
rlReply Log
psPython shell (IDLE)
pfPreferences dialog
mmMouse modes
slShow/Hide status line
ugUser's Guide
Molecule Display
daDisplay atoms
haHide atoms
DaDelete atoms and bonds
wrWire representation
stStick representation
spSphere representation
bsBall & stick representation
bbBackbone only
ctShow chain trace only
sxShow side chains only
rrRound ribbon
reEdged ribbon
rfFlat ribbon
hrHide ribbon
rhHide ribbon
sfShow surface
sFSurface selected atoms
hsHide surface
Molecule Coloring
c2Color ribbons by secondary structure
ceColor atoms by element
rcRainbow chains
Molecule Zones and Selections
scSelect connected atoms/bonds
c3Find 3-Å contacts between selected and unselected atoms
c5Find 5-Å contacts between selected and unselected atoms
zdShow zone dialog
znSelect zone using zone dialog settings
Aligning Molecules
abAlign backbones using selected atoms
aiIllustrate backbone alignment based on selected atoms
Multimeric Molecules and Symmetry
buShow molecule biological unit using Multiscale Models
xcExtend multiscale selection to sequence copies
Opening, Saving, Closing Volume Data
ovOpen volume
vsShow volume
vhHide volume
vRRemove volume
vvShow Volume Viewer dialog
wgWrite GRASP surface file
xsExport scene
Surface Display
coColor selected volume surfaces
fsShow selected volume surfaces in filled style
msShow selected volume surfaces using mesh style
tsToggle volume surface selectability
cmShow Surface Color dialog
cpShow Surface Capping dialog
Area, Volume and Length Measurement
maMeasure area of selected surfaces
mvMeasure volume of selected surfaces
pLShow total length of selected bonds for each model
plShow total length of selected bonds
Modifying Volume Data
ebErase volume data inside subregion selection box
esErase volume data inside sphere
eoErase volume data outside sphere
wvMake writable copy of volume data
zbZero volume data boundary
zBZero volume data boundary for step size 2
zBZero volume data boundary for step size 4
Models in Volume Data
frRotate model to maximize density at selected atoms
ftMove model to maximize density at selected atoms
vpShow Volume Path Tracer dialog
dpDisplay path tracer markers
hpHide path tracer markers
phPhantom Force Feedback path tracer

UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory