Chimera Commands Index

reset [ view_name [ frames [ method ] ] ]

reset list

Reset restores models to a default position or one previously saved with savepos. A view_name is specified when a position is saved. If view_name is missing, the name default is used.

A position includes:

Unless changed with savepos, the default position is one in which the models have not been rotated or translated.

Reset restores the named position over the specified number of image update frames (default 1). For frames > 1, an interpolation method (default linear) is used to generate a path from the current position to the named position. Currently, interpolation does not work with the default position, and the only method available is linear.

The list keyword indicates that the names of all saved positions should be listed in the status line and Reply Log.

See also: savepos, push/pop, window, matrixset, movie-related commands