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UCSF RBVI Cytoscape Apps

boundaryLayout: Visualizing Force-Directed Networks within Custom Boundaries

UCSF boundaryLayout is a Cytoscape app that links which implements a boundary-constrained force-directed layout. Boundaries may be automatically generated or defined by the user, who can later save and modify them as a “template”, or a collection of boundaries. This app groups data into custom boundaries to effectively create an n-partite network. The force-directed algorithm is derived from the prefuse algorithm, which is used in other applications such as setsApp.

Figure 1. boundaryLayout in action. In this screenshot, boundaryLayout has been applied to a network that has been annotated with cellular locations. The cell image boundaries are used to constrain nodes to the compartment that they have been annotated to be expressed in. The template used is the default "Cell Template". Click on the image to enlarge it.


  1. Installation
  2. Starting boundaryLayout
  3. Boundaries and their uses
  4. boundaryLayout app
  5. boundaryLayout layout algorithm
  6. Boundary-node interaction
  7. Technical details
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1. Installation

boundaryLayout can be downloaded and installed through the Cytoscape App Store. In order to correctly utilize boundaryLayout, you must be running Cytoscape 3.6.0 or newer. One way to install this application is to launch Cytoscape, go to the App Store in your web browser, and search for “boundaryLayout”. Select the "boundaryLayout" button and press the Install button in the boundaryLayout App page. A simpler way to install it is by launching Cytoscape and selecting Apps→App Manager, then search and install "boundaryLayout".
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2. Starting boundaryLayout

Once you have installed boundaryLayout, two menus should appear: one in the Apps menu labeled “Boundary Layout App” and another in the layout menu titled “Boundary Layout”. The app allows the saving, deleting, overwriting, importing and exporting of templates, each of which consist of a collection of boundaries. You can manage templates in the west control panel under the “Boundaries” tab. While, the layout is where you are able to layout your nodes based on an attribute.
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3. Boundaries and their uses

Boundaries take the form of Annotations (some forms are not supported such as Arrow Annotations). Boundaries are mainly used for grouping and partitioning data based on selected attributes like Cellular Location or Species. Boundaries should be created by the user according to which attribute they would like the algorithm to run on. For example, if the column attribute the user wanted to use was “Letters” and the nodes in the network table contain “Letters” properties ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’ within the “Letters column”, then the user should create three Annotations and name them ‘A’, ‘B’, and ‘C’.

3.1 Cytoscape Annotations that can be used as boundaries

Annotations that can be used as boundaries are Rectangle, Round Rectable, and Ellipse annotations which belong to shape annotations, along with its subclasses: bounded-text annotations and image annotations (~Rectangle only).

3.2 How to use boundaryLayout

Although the boundary layout algorithm can be run without utilizing its boundary-based features, in order to get the full use of this application, boundaries should be created by the user. Boundaries should be created according to what attribute the user wants to layout the nodes with respect to. When the user wants to perform the layout on an attribute, there should exist boundaries with names of each of the variations of that attribute that exist in the network table. Otherwise, if one of the variations is not created, then the nodes of that variation, which does not contain a boundary, will be placed outside of the union of boundaries.
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4. boundaryLayout app

This app appears by default in the western control panel, titled Boundaries. To toggle between hiding and showing the panel in the Control Panel, simply select Apps→Boundary Layout App→Show Templates in Control Panel or Apps→Boundary Layout App→Hide Templates in Control Panel. The main purpose of this app is for the user to be able to manage and customize their templates, each being a related collection of boundaries. A template consists of user-defined boundaries that the user classifies as belonging together. An example of a template is the Cell Template, which is provided by default by boundaryLayout, in which there exist boundaries such as “Nucleus” and “Cytoplasm”.

4.1 Importing/Exporting a Template

At the bottom of the Boundaries panel, there are three buttons. The two outer ones are the import/export buttons. You can hover over the buttons to see what each do. To import a template click on the import a template (leftmost) button and input your template name choice and the location of where the template information is stored. To export a template, choose the template from your templates list and select the export a template (rightmost) button and select the location to export the template to.

4.2 Saving/Overwriting a Template

To save a template, press the + button at the bottom of the Boundaries panel. If you are currently working on a template, you will be prompted to overwrite the current template. To overwrite the template, check the checkbox and press OK. To save as a new template, do not check the checkbox and press OK. If you select a template name which is the same as that of a template that already exists in your list of templates, then that template will be overwritten.

4.3 Removing/Deleting a Template

To remove a template from your list of templates, right click on the desired template which appears in the Boundaries tab and select Remove Template. You will then be prompted to validate your removal of the template.

4.4 Renaming a Template

To rename a template, right click on the desired template in your list of templates and press Rename Template. You will then be prompted to enter a new name for the template. However, if the name already belongs to another template, nothing will happen.

4.5 Applying a Template to the View

To apply a template to your view, simply press the template you would like to apply in the Boundaries panel. To switch templates, press whatever other template you would like to apply. Only a single template can be applied at any given point in time.
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5. boundaryLayout layout algorithm

Figure 2. boundaryLayout settings.

The layout submenu “Boundary Layout” is populated based on the columns of the current network that is shown. To layout your data, simply select Layout→Boundary Layout→category where category is one of the columns, or properties, in the node table.

5.1 Auto Mode

If there do not exist any boundaries, then auto mode is run. This mode creates boundaries for each of the attributes of the selected category and places them in a grid. After the boundaries are initialized, the algorithm is executed normally.

5.2 Tuning Parameters

Running Boundary Layout from the Layout→Settings... is well-advised since it provides the user access to tune parameters which affect the layout of a network.
5.2.1 Edge Weight Settings
These values are generalized by Cytoscape and are not specific to boundaryLayout. They enable the user to tune edge weights and how to interpret edge-related properties of the network.
5.2.2 Layout Parameters
Ranging from spring and node related information to the speed limit, layout parameters allow the user to tune the parameters which are relevant to prefuse. The Number of Iterations controls how many iterations the force-directed algorithm will run. For a more force-representative network, increase this value. However, for best results, keep this value around 250 and no more than 1000. For the connections between nodes, or edges, to impact the network more, increase the Default Spring Coefficient, but maintain a value ranging from 5x10-2 to 5x10-6. The Default Spring Length is the resting edge length. Node mass controls the weight of a node. When increased, this pushes nodes away from one another while slowing down the overall movement of the node. Keep this value around 3, in the range of 1-10. The speed limit is the limit of how fast a node can move; this value should stay near 1. When enabled, Avoid overlapping nodes (y/n) pushes overlapping nodes farther away from one another so that there is overall less node-node overlap.
5.2.3 Boundary Parameters
Strength of boundaries controls the repulsive force of boundary walls. The larger this value, the more nodes are pushed to the center of their respective boundary and pushed away from its walls. Variable boundary forces checkbox should be checked if the user wants the boundary walls to be scaled as more nodes are at the edge of the boundary. The magnitude of the boundary strength scaling is determined by Scale boundary forces. For less nodes stuck at the edge of boundaries, check the checkbox and increase the value of this scaling parameter. Outer bounds thickness is the thickness of the outer boundary, which encompass the union of boundaries. For extra-spatial nodes, or nodes which do not belong to a boundary, to be closer to the union of boundaries, decrease this value, though keep it is advised to keep this value around 1.25.

5.3 The Outer Boundary

boundaryLayout creates an outer boundary which encompasses the union of user-defined boundaries. This outer boundary serves multiple purposes. The outer boundary behaves just like any other boundary, but it does not have a shape annotation associated with it.
5.3.1 Boundary Dimensions
By default the dimensions of the outer boundary is 1.25 times as large as the union of boundaries. However, the user can change this outer dimensions scale within the layout settings menu, which must satisfy the precondition that the scale is greater than 1.
5.3.2 Affirming Outer Boundary Nodes
Nodes which do not belong to any of the boundaries the user has defined can be referred to as “outer” nodes and are by default assigned to the outer boundary. This tells the algorithm where to initialize these nodes: outside the other user-defined boundaries, but within the outside boundary.
5.3.3 Keeping the Boundaries Property
The outer boundary makes it so that outer nodes do not move far away from the union of boundaries. Instead, they are treated as an “other” attribute, corresponding to the outer boundary.

5.4 The Prefuse Algorithm

The prefuse algorithm utilizes force-directed logic to position nodes at their relatively ideal locations. It accomplishes this by, with each iteration, calculating the force on each node and moving the nodes based on the integrated force applied on them using a Runge-Kutta Integrator. Each node was represented by a ForceItem, containing various of its properties such as velocity, location, and dimensions. Two main types of node-node based forces exist: Spring and NBody.
5.4.1 Spring Force
Since nodes with edges between them should be closer together to establish a relationship-based network, the spring was integrated into prefuse. Spring forces are placed between two nodes if there exists an edge connecting them, leading to the attraction of the two nodes if they are farther apart than ideal length or repulsion if they are too close.
5.4.2 NBody Force
There is always the issue of nodes clumping together and forming a “hairball” network due to the numerous active attractive and repulsive forces resulting from the spring and boundary forces. To solve this issue, the NBody force was introduced, which allows prefuse to be substantially more effective and efficient. This force exists only among nodes that are close together, calculated by a QuadTree, and makes it so that nodes do not clump together, allowing the network to be readable by the user.

5.5 Avoiding Overlap

When the user looks at a Cytoscape network after running some algorithm, the worst outcome is a counterintuitive “hairball” of nodes where most of what the user is able to see is a clump of nodes. The method in which boundaryLayout handles these dense networks is by avoiding overlap between nodes. Since NBody deals with nodes that are close together and two nodes may only overlap if they are near one another, the avoiding overlap logic is implemented in complement with NBody forces. This approach is efficient since NBody already iterates through a QuadTree to figure out which nodes are close to one another, so no further calculations need to be made for the avoiding overlap force. In essence, when two nodes overlap, then they both experience a force in the opposite direction of one another.
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6. Boundary-node interaction

This force corresponds to a boundary-node interaction. The purpose of a boundary is to ensure that the nodes which belong to that boundary stay within and nodes which do not belong to it remain outside of the boundary. This property is accomplished by the boundary force, which exerts a repulsive force on nodes. Furthermore, the boundary force make it so that, when a node becomes too close to the wall of the boundary, then a force will be applied such that the node will either stay where it is or move away from the wall it was approaching. As with the other forces, the forces from the walls of the boundary depreciate with respect to the square of the distance from the wall. In other words, the wall force only becomes a factor when nodes are not where they are supposed to be, otherwise NBody and Spring forces drive the expression of the network.

6.1 Node Projections

Node projection is the mechanism by which the algorithm moves (projects) the nodes into or out of the boundaries as appropriate. The general approach followed by boundaryLayout is an adaptation of an algorithm suggested by Tim Dwyer of the University of Monash. There are two cases in which a node projection is required. The first case occurs when the node is moved outside of its respective boundary as a result of the force-directed simulation. When this happens, the node must be projected back into its boundary. The second case is when the node is moved into another boundary, which only occurs in the case of intersecting boundaries. In this case, the node is projected outside of this intersected boundary. These nodes are projected to a point closest to their respective boundary. For an inward projection, the node is moved to a point in which it is just within its boundary. For an outward projection, the node is moved such that it is just outside the boundary it was in and also within its own boundary.

6.2 Variable Boundary Force

A variable, or changing, boundary force is a feature of boundaryLayout, which is by default active but the user can deactivate it through the layout settings menu. There are two gravitational constants for the boundary force: one for nodes which belong to the boundary and another for nodes which do not belong in the boundary. For a specific boundary, as nodes that have been moved out of their boundary are projected back into it, the inward gravitational constant of that boundary is scaled. The same applies for nodes which move into a boundary, which intersects with the boundary they belong to. The intersected boundary’s outward gravitational constant is scaled accordingly. This gravitational constant scale factor is by default 2.5, but can be changed by the user as long as it fits the precondition that it is greater than 1 and less than the large factor 10. The purpose of this variable boundary force is to ensure that nodes do not become stuck at the edges of boundaries and so that less overall node projections are needed. This feature both speeds up the layout algorithm as well as provides a more appealing network layout.

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7. Technical details

Figure 3. Result of applying boundaryLayout using the Cell Template.

7.1 Initializing Nodes’ Locations

In order to run the prefuse algorithm on a network, nodes must first be placed within the boundaries they belong to. There are two scenarios which can arise with boundaries wherein the initialization of nodes differs. Node initialization into a specific boundary depends on whether or not that boundary has any intersecting boundaries.
7.1.1 Calculating the Non-Intersected Areas within an Intersected Boundary
To deal with special cases, including an edge case with node projection, boundaryLayout can find the non-intersecting area within a boundary to re-initialize nodes if needed. This is achieved using an efficient branch and bound algorithm which uses a quadtree to speed up the spatial complexity of multiple intersecting boundaries. After the algorithm has finished, the result is a quadtree whose leaves are rectangles representing the non-intersecting areas in the boundary.
7.1.2 Boundaries Without Intersections
Nodes who belong to a boundary without intersecting boundaries are initialized at the center of that respective boundary.
7.1.3 Boundaries With Intersections
Since boundaries with intersections complicates node initialization, the nodes are initialized within the center of the union of intersecting boundaries. Then, the projection algorithm (5.1) ensures the boundary-node property.
7.1.4 Initializing Nodes Without Boundaries
When the user has not defined a boundary for a certain node, the node belongs outside of the union of boundaries. Although it is initialized in the center of the union, it is projected outward after numerous iterations of the force-directed layout.
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