Registered File Types

File types that have been registered in Chimera can be opened from:

If a tool-specific type of file is opened, the associated tool will be executed or started (if it has not been started already).

Registered File Types
type prefix suffix contents associated
(if any)
Aligned FASTA afasta: .afasta
sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
Aligned NBRF/PIR pir: .pir sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
Chimera markers markers: .cmm markers placed in 3D Volume Path Tracer
Clustal ALN aln: .aln
sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
DelPhi or GRASP delphi: .phi computed electrostatic potential
(see also DelPhiViewer)
Volume Viewer
DSN6 dsn6: .omap crystallography density map used by O Volume Viewer
formatted checkpoint
.fchk molecular structure
GCG MSF msf: .msf sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
GCG RSF rsf: .rsf sequence alignment Multalign Viewer
Mol2 mol2: .mol2 molecular structure
MPOSE mpose: .mpose molecular structure MPOSE
MRC mrc: .mrc electron microscope density map Volume Viewer
NetCDF netcdf: .nc 3D data Volume Viewer
PDB pdb: .pdb
molecular structure
Priism priism: .xyzw 3D light and electron microscope data Volume Viewer
Python python:
Python code
SCOP scop: protein domain structure
VRML vrml: .vrml
graphical object
XPLOR xplor: .map unformatted ASCII density map Volume Viewer