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Command: sequence

The sequence subcommands perform actions related to the Sequence Viewer and associated structures:

The Tools menu can also be used to show the sequence of a structure chain in the Sequence Viewer. All of the other actions can be accessed from the Sequence Viewer context menu.

Show Sequence from Structure

Usage: sequence  chain  chain-specviewer  true | false ]

The command sequence chain shows the sequence of the specified biopolymer chain in the Sequence Viewer, although the graphical interface can be suppressed (for example, to run a script that uses the sequence data but not its display) with viewer false. Only one structure chain should be specified per command. See also: Molecule Display icon

Other ways to start the Sequence Viewer: Independent of structure, sequence alignments and individual sequences can also be opened from files or fetched from UniProt. Other tools or commands may generate new sequence alignments (e.g., Blast Protein results, Matchmaker, sequence realignment).

Sequence-Structure Association

Usage: sequence  associate  chain-spec alignment-ID:sequence-ID ]
Usage: sequencedissociate | disassociate )  chain-spec  alignment-ID

Sequence-structure association (such as for synchronized selection) occurs automatically, but the commands sequence associate and sequence dissociate (same as sequence disassociate) allow more precise control, for example, of which structure chains are used for header calculations, or forcing or removing associations regardless of whether the number of mismatches would be tolerated by the automatic procedure.

The command sequence associate associates one or more structure chains with a sequence. The target sequence for association is specified by alignment ID, as reported in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window, and the name or index number of the target sequence in the alignment, in the form:  alignment-ID:sequence-ID  (details...).

Alternatively, the sequence-ID can be omitted to associate each specified structure chain with the the best-matching sequence in the alignment. The alignment-ID can be omitted if only one alignment is open, or if the sequence-ID is also omitted; in the latter case, each specified structure chain will be associated with the best-matching sequence in each open alignment. If either or both are omitted, the colon (:) should also be omitted except in rare cases to disambiguate an alignment and sequence that have the same name.

For sequence dissociate, only the alignment needs to be specified, not an individual sequence, because a structure chain can only be associated with one sequence per alignment.

Expanding a Selection to Alignment Columns

Usage: sequence  expandselalignment-ID ]

Expand the current selection to all residues associated with the same column(s) of the specified sequence alignment, or if none is specified, all sequence alignments. The alignment-ID is shown in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window.

Sequence Viewer Headers and Numbering

Usage: sequence  headeralignment-ID ]  header-nameshow | hide | save  filename )

The command sequence header shows, hides, or saves a sequence header to a file. (It can also be used to change the sequence Headers preferences, but command details are omitted here because normally the Settings dialog will be used instead.)

The header-name can be consensus, conservation, or rmsd, although there will only be an effect when that header is available (for example, an RMSD header is only available for alignments associated with at least two structures). Headers are saved to a simple text format that lists the alignment positions and values. The filename can be given as a pathname or the word browse to bring up a file browser window for choosing the name and location interactively. If multiple alignments are open but an alignment-ID is not specified, showing/hiding affects all applicable alignments. However, saving only works for a single header at a time, so an alignment-ID must be given when more than one alignment is open.

Usage: sequence  refseq alignment-ID:sequence-ID ]

The overall numbering of an alignment is shown across the top at the first position and every tenth position thereafter. By default, there is no reference sequence, and the alignment is simply numbered 1, 11, 21, etc., regardless of whether the columns contain gaps. However, with sequence refseq, any of the individual sequences can be specified as the reference for numbering instead. The sequence to use is specified by its alignment ID, shown in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window, plus the sequence's name or index number in the alignment, in the form:  alignment-ID:sequence-ID  (details...).

When the reference sequence has a gap character at a position where a number is to be shown (first column, eleventh column, etc.), how that position falls relative to the reference is shown in parentheses. For example, “(<1)” would be shown for alignment positions before the reference's first residue, and “(43/44)” for positions that fall between residues 43 and 44 of the reference.

Omitting the sequence identifier returns to the default numbering:

Usage: sequence  refseq alignment-ID ]

If more than one Sequence Viewer window is present, the alignment-ID is required. The alignment-ID is shown in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window.

Calculate Percent Identities

Usage: sequence  identity  alignment-ID  [ denominator  shorter | longer | nongap ]
Usage: sequence  identity  alignment-ID   alignment-ID:sequence-ID denominator  shorter | longer | nongap ]
Usage: sequence  identity  alignment-ID:sequence-ID   alignment-ID:sequence-ID denominator  shorter | longer | nongap ]

The sequence identity command calculates the pairwise percent identity between sequences of the same length (including gaps, as shown in the Sequence Viewer window). The calculation is always pairwise, but can be performed for all-by-all pairs within a single alignment, or all-by-one, or between two specific sequences. An entire alignment is specified by its ID, shown in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window, and an individual sequence by the alignment ID plus the sequence's name or index number in the alignment, in the form:  alignment-ID:sequence-ID  (details...).

Results are listed in the Log. For each pair, the number of columns with identical residues is given as a percentage of the specified denominator:

Update Structure Metadata with Associated Sequence

Usage: sequence  update  chain-specalignment  alignment-ID ]

Standard PDB files have SEQRES records containing the sequence of each biopolymer chain in the structure, and similarly, standard mmCIF files include this information in specific tables. In many structures, some of the residues in the sequence are missing from the atomic coordinates because their positions could not be resolved from the experimental density (due to disorder, etc.). However, atomic coordinate files output from various modeling programs often lack sequence information, so that the sequence is only inferred from the coordinates. The sequence update command is useful for adding full sequence information to such structures. For example, the full sequence could be opened from a FASTA file or by fetching it from UniProt, associated with the chain, and then used to update the chain's sequence information. This command only applies to the sequences associated with the specified chains, limited to a specific alignment as needed. The alignment-ID is shown in the title bar of the Sequence Viewer window. The sequence must cover all of the residues in the structure chain.

Align Sequences using Clustal Omega or MUSCLE

Usage: sequence  align  alignment-IDreplace  true | false ] [ program  clustalOmega | muscle ]
Usage: sequence  align  chain-specprogram  clustalOmega | muscle ]
Usage: sequence  align  sequence1,sequence2[,sequence3...,sequenceN] [ program  clustalOmega | muscle ]

The sequence align command calculates a new alignment of the specified protein sequences using a web service hosted by the UCSF RBVI. The result is opened in a new Sequence Viewer window, except that replace true (default false) can be used to specify overwriting an existing alignment when all of its sequences are being realigned.

The sequences to align can be specified collectively by:

...or individually as a comma-separated list (without spaces) of any combination of:

The program can be either of two choices:

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / July 2024