
The toolbar manager uses the manager/provider (TODO: link) mechanism for adding buttons to the application toolbar. Buttons are organized into sections within tabs. And buttons may be optionally grouped, so only one shows at a time.

Buttons are registered by adding providers in a bundle’s bundle_info.xml file. The manager must be toolbar. The manager may be given in each Provider or once in the parent Providers. There can be multiple Providers with different managers. Buttons are invoked by calling the bundle’s run_provider API (TODO: link) with the provider’s name.

Basic Button


<Providers manager="toolbar">
  <Provider tab="Graphics" section="Undo"
    name="Redo" icon="redo-variant.png" description="Redo last action"/>

A basic button Provider needs a tab, section, name, icon, description, and optionally a display_name. The display_name defaults to the value of the name option. The display_name is used to label the button. The optional themeIcon is one of the QIcon ThemeIcon icon names. The optional icon is searched for the in the bundle’s icons directory. The optional darkIcon is searched for the in the bundle’s icons directory. Also, buttons can be assigned a group, where only one button in the group is visible at a time. The order of the buttons may be constrained with the before and after options. The before and after values refer to the display_name of other buttons in the same section. The constraints may include several other buttons by using a colon separated list. If the hidden option is given, with any value, then the button is not shown, but is available for adding for adding to custom tags, e.g., the Home tab.

Mouse Mode


<Providers manager="toolbar">
  <Provider tab="Markers" section="Place markers" name="pm1"
    mouse_mode="mark maximum" display_name="Maximum" description="Mark maximum"/>

Mouse mode buttons are similar to basic buttons, with the mouse_mode identifying which mode mode to set and the default display_name. An optional themeIcon, icon, and darkIcon can be given, but are normally found with the registered mouse mode.



<Providers manager="toolbar">
  <Provider tab="Graphics" help="help:..."
    name="layout1" before="Nucleotides" after="Molecule Display"/>
  <Provider tab="Molecule Display" section="Cartoons" help="help:..."
    name="layout2" before="Surfaces" after="Atoms"/>

Tabs, sections, and buttons can have layout contraints:

Information can also be given at the tab and section levels of the hierachy. The name needs to be unique amoung the bundle’s Provider’s, but is otherwise unused. The before and after constraints refer to items at that level. And a URL can be given with the help option.