Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] vnm2ucsf issues
From: Tom Goddard
Date: Aug 29, 2011

Previous: 803

Hi Gilles,

Probably vnmr2ucsf is not using some referencing parameters from the Varian parameter files. The vnmr2ucsf program was written about 15 years ago and it may even be that the Varian files contain parameters that didnt exist back then. At any rate, the most practical solution is to use Sparky to change the referencing. You can apply any PPM shift you want with the Sparky spectrum dialog (st). The main trouble will be figuring out exactly the needed shift.


Gilles Pics wrote:


Im experiencing issues when I run vnmr2ucsf, especially on 2D 1H/15N HSQC spectra. After conversion of my Varian spectra to the ucsf format, all the peaks are shifted in the 15N dimension by 0.5ppm (comparison between a spectrum displayed in Vnmr and Sparky).
Im carefully using the recommended commands (trace=f1, display the full spectrum, and use the VNMR flush command) in Vnmr before running vnmr2ucsf.
I noticed that the shift in the 15N dimension is dependent on the processing parameter used such as the zero-filling level.

Can anyone help me?

Thanks a lot