Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Peak intensities
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Mar 24, 2010

Previous: 661 Next: 663

Hi Parag,

Sparky relaxation analysis (rh) uses peak heights from the nearest
grid point in the spectrum. It does not use an interpolate the height
from all the neighboring grid points. The peak markers typically are
not positioned exactly at a grid points. There is one place in the code
where I see Sparky doing interpolation of peak height values using
neighboring grid points. That is when you enable status-line display of
peak info (vp). Then if you place the mouse over a peak that has no
marker on it, then it will find the local maximum and do a quadratic fit
using the 3 closes grid points along each axis. The reported height
will be the height of the quadratic fit. Theres no way to use that in
the relaxation analysis.



I would like to know how peak heights are determined in SPARKY. Within
relaxation analysis (rh) routine, is the peak height measured exactly at
one location defined by the peak or is it averaged over a grid around
that point?


~Parag Sahasrabudhe.