Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Re: peaks saving in "project mode"
From: Luca Mollica
Date: Jun 29, 2006

Previous: 178 Next: 180

Hi Eiso,

you are pefectly right ... I also thought it was a problem related to my system (which is Linux SUSE 10.0
OSS in my workplace) because I have a WinXP version installed on my laptop and it works perfectly, even
editing the files manually, whereas under Linux the problem appears also if I try to edit manually a file
like the one that you can find attached to this message.
This is something I have realized also using a Perl script I have written on my own, with some printf
commands ending with n for generating new lines and that returns a list of peaks that is not readble
because of the presence of n at the end of each line ....
Do you have any advice about solving the problem ?


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