Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Cannot see the spectrum in Sparky
From: Insiya Fidai
Date: Oct 9, 2015

Previous: 1046 Next: 1048

Yes, I did that. I deleted all the previous versions and installed the new one but I am still having that problem.
Is there a way I can see if there are multiple versions running?

Thanks again,

On Oct 9, 2015, at 3:24 PM, woonghee791113@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:


Did you install the linux version again in the machine that you previously had installed already?
If you did, theres a chance that you have additional nmrfam-sparky-linux directory inside your previous installation path. I was supposed to fix it but have forgotten. You can remove the previous version and run to prevent that case.
