Subject: python extensions
From: pp_muscimol
Date: Dec 15, 2006

Hello everybody,

I try to follow the instructions of the manual on how to:
How to write your own Sparky extension

I used their examples and as well the example discussed in message 133.
I follow instructions and when I use accelerator wp for example or
bs I got the followin in sparky window:

no accelerator for b or no accelerator for w ....just b or w not bs
or wp

the extension are in ..../sparky/python/sparky
where are the extension and x.pyc the way ...there should
not be have also bmrb.pyc in same forlder??? ...for what serves x.pyc??

def initialize_session(session):
def bs_command(s = session):
import bmrb

session.add_command(bs, BRMB submission form, bs_command)


please let me know if I did something wronge or if there is something
else that needs to be done.

Thanks a lot in advance