Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] sparky on Fedora 5
From: P pirate
Date: Oct 31, 2006

Previous: 260 Next: 276

Hello Tom,
After adding the path export PATH=$PATH:/root/programs/sparky/bin
I got the following back:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File string, line 1, in ?
File /usr/local/src/sparky/platforms/linux-2.6.9/sparky-install/python/sparky/, line 12, in ?
ImportError: /root/programs/sparky/python/sparky/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied

any suggestions:

Thomas Goddard goddard@...

When you install Sparky on Fedora Core 5 it does not put the
executable in a standard place like /usr/bin. So you either have to
add the Sparky bin directory to your executable search path, for
example, put

PATH=/usr/local/ sparky/bin: $PATH

at the end of your ~/.bash_profile file. Youll have to reload that
file with shell command . ~/.bash_profile or log out and log back in
to get the new path. Alternatively you can type the full path

/usr/local/sparky/ bin/sparky

to start Sparky. If either of those methods fail let me know.

The sparky-no-python executable is not intended to be run directly.
The startup script bin/sparky sets environment variables that are needed
for it to work correctly. The problems you describe with the user interface
are caused by not setting those environment variables in the startup script
so Sparky is unable to find its configuration file sparky/lib/Sparky.


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