Subject: PINE.3 automated chemical shift assignment
From: woonghee_lee
Date: Jan 29, 2018

Dear all,

I am happy to announce that I have opened PINE.3 web server
The URL is
If you go , it will redirect you to the new web page, however, you can still use older version by going
The NMRFAM-SPARKY updated last night has the updated PINE-SPARKY.2 plugin (ep) for using PINE.3 with 4 new experiments added (TOCSY-HSQC, HBHANH, HN(CA)NNH, N15-NOESY) and PDB. Note that N15-NOESY is only looked up to see connectivities but actual peak assignments. Also, sidechain assignment algorithm of this version has been improved a lot by using the PACSY DB and a new ctHSQC filter. I hope you enjoy it.
