
Changing Font Size

You can change the font size and style used for buttons, labels, menus, peak lists, ... by adding some lines to your ~/.Xdefaults file. The fonts you specify override the defaults specifed in the Sparky option database /usr/local/sparky/lib/Sparky. You can look in that file for other options you may want to override. The lines to specify fonts that you add to your .Xdefaults files should look like:

	sparky.normalFont:	-family lucida -size 12
	sparky.fixedWidthFont:	-family lucidatypewriter -size 12

You should then execute the command "xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults" so that the X server reloads the .Xdefaults file, and then restart Sparky. You will not need to run the xrdb command in the future. Every time you log in the .Xdefaults files is read. The font sizes are specified in points (1/72 of an inch). To see what font families and sizes are available you can use the xlsfonts command (if it is available on your system). The fixedWidthFont line should name a font that has a fixed width per character. It is used in peak lists so that columns line up. To adjust the size of assignment labels on contour plots you use the ornament size dialog in Sparky (oz).

Obsolete Sparky (pre-1995) features

Sparky no longer has:

The spectrum window buttons correspond to keyboard accelerators. Zoom in is zi, zoom out is zo, zoom previous is zp, toggle resonance panels is vR, toggle slice panels is vS.

The files in the DB directory are no longer used by Sparky. This means that resonance frequencies are calculated by averaging the positions of assigned peaks in spectra in your project. Peaks in spectra which are not part of your project no longer effect resonance frequencies.

The accelerators for ornament copy and paste have changed from ec and ep to oc and op.

There are no longer separate integration methods for isolated and overlapped peaks. You choose a single integration method from the integration dialog (accelerator it).

The assignment dialog is different from pre-1995 Sparky.

View synchronization is now done with a synchronization dialog. The accelerators ya, yd, and yt all bring up this dialog. You can now synchronize individual axes instead of all corresponding axes between two or more spectra.