(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) I.Net Technologies, Inc. 1995 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[wnewman-GoAhead(B) IGS]RE[W+Resign] PW[wnewman]WR[NR ]NW[ 0.0] PB[GoAhead]BR[NR ]NB[ 0.0] PC[IGS: igs.nuri.net 6969]DT[1996-06-02] SZ[19]TM[2700]KM[0.5]LT[] HA[9]AB[jd][jp][pj][dj][jj][pp][dd][pd][dp] ;W[qf]WL[2696]C[ GoAhead NR : just a moment, Bill GoAhead NR : do you wanna concentrate on the game, or can we talk a lot? wnewman NR : I'll probably concentrate on my moves and not talk too much then, but we can talk as much as you want while GoAhead thinks. ] ;B[pf]BL[2544] ;W[pg]WL[2674] ;B[of]BL[2508] ;W[qd]WL[2664]C[ GoAhead NR : ok. Could you please tell me you personnel strength, Bill? wnewman NR : slightly-out-of-practice American 1d (I haven't been to the go club here since it moved across town about 6 weeks ago, and I almost never play on the net. ] ;B[qe]BL[2494] ;W[re]WL[2657] ;B[pe]BL[2471] ;W[rg]WL[2616] ;B[qc]BL[2462] ;W[og]WL[2594] ;B[mc]BL[2402] ;W[nf]WL[2566] ;B[ne]BL[2374] ;W[mf]WL[2560] ;B[me]BL[2350] ;W[lf]WL[2554] ;B[df]BL[2327] ;W[pn]WL[2542] ;B[np]BL[2319] ;W[qp]WL[2534] ;B[qq]BL[2313] ;W[qo]WL[2531] ;B[rq]BL[2307] ;W[nk]WL[2528]C[ GoAhead NR : we start at a GoAhead scoring of S+106 ] ;B[nj]BL[2277] ;W[mj]WL[2524]C[ GoAhead NR : now you have him ... ] ;B[pl]BL[2251] ;W[ok]WL[2508] ;B[oj]BL[2218] ;W[nn]WL[2492] ;B[pk]BL[2157] ;W[gc]WL[2448] ;B[dc]BL[2114] ;W[cn]WL[2427]C[ GoAhead NR : N11 looks urgent to me wnewman NR : I think black's best escaping sequences involve p7, so I would defend on that side first. GoAhead NR : interesting. thanks wnewman NR : But black also has lots of areas that could become huge moyos in a single move, and those are urgent too.. GoAhead NR : agree ] ;B[co]BL[2086] ;W[dn]WL[2355] ;B[fp]BL[2038]C[ wnewman NR : My favorite defending move is m6, but I think I need to poke around in the rest of the board first. If GoAhead had provoked me into invading c3 corner, then m6 would be induced. ] ;W[dl]WL[2300]C[ wnewman NR : I am trying to follow Mark Boon's advice from the mailing list a while ago: play away from unsettled areas, let weaker player make mistakes in unsettled areas. GoAhead NR : you are apparently a very strong player according to your comments GoAhead NR : (I only roughly understand what you say) wnewman NR : I am a very academic player: I read a lot of books. My tactics are not all that strong, though. ] ;B[fj]BL[1948] ;W[cq]WL[2270]C[ GoAhead NR : what is better now d3 or b5, Bill? GoAhead NR : matter of taste? ] ;B[dq]BL[1877]C[ wnewman NR : Probably b5 or c4 -- I am in GoAhead's sphere of influence, so splitting me into several groups probably works best. But I'm not 100% sure here. GoAhead NR : I see. ] ;W[bo]WL[2203] ;B[cr]BL[1836]C[ GoAhead NR : damn, B(b4) c4 b3 d5 c2 better wnewman NR : funny shape, bad aji for me no matter what I do wnewman NR : but seems more bad aji for GoAhead :-) wnewman NR : If computers were strong at go tactics like they are at chess tactics, this would be a really annoying position though. ] ;W[bq]WL[2068]C[ wnewman NR : now I think about invading around h4, but if GoAhead defends there, that's OK too -- slow GoAhead NR : now, GoAhead is *not* in local mode for the first time! wnewman NR : What is local mode? GoAhead NR : it's a switch. When he feels that he is strongly attacked, he only plays locally ] ;B[br]BL[1720]C[ wnewman NR : Does this also apply when he feels he has a strong attack against me? (E.g. my move at g17 wasn't really a strong attack against GoAhead IMHO.) GoAhead NR : yes, it's both wnewman NR : good move ] ;W[cp]WL[1981]C[ GoAhead NR : when playing at high handicap, he get's into local mode more easily ] ;B[do]BL[1687] ;W[dh]WL[1977]C[ wnewman NR : I'll see how GoAhead responds here before deciding how much to worry about the cut at b6. wnewman NR : (The peep at b7, that is.) ] ;B[ge]BL[1640] ;W[jc]WL[1930]C[ GoAhead NR : score S+80 now (but he consideres Q10 group as still alive) ] ;B[hd]BL[1573]C[ wnewman NR : can't decide whether I can just live here.. GoAhead NR : that's not that hard against GoAHead wnewman NR : also not 100% sure it would be good: I like trading my territory for your wall when your wall faces strong stones like m14.. wnewman NR : ..but it also faces weak stone at d12. wnewman NR : decisions, decisions GoAhead NR : that's the enjoyable of Go ... ] ;W[ic]WL[1684]C[ wnewman NR : What the heck: I shouldn't be playing at 9 stones if the wall is sufficient for GoAhead to capture d12 on a large scale with no compensation for me. GoAhead NR : right. ] ;B[kd]BL[1490]C[ GoAhead NR : why J17 and not H17 (looks easier for me)? wnewman NR : I'm not sure which is right. j17 leaves horrible aji at h18, but it gives me a strong response to l17. ] ;W[fb]WL[1626]C[ GoAhead NR : ok. Black could have cut instead L16: h17 h18 g18 f18 j18 g19 k18 GoAhead NR : would that have been a good way of playing? wnewman NR : Ideally I'd like things to work out so s16 is white sente (due to black shortage of liberties) but maybe it won't happen. ] ;B[mk]BL[1334] ;W[om]WL[1599] ;B[mi]BL[1274]C[ wnewman NR : That would probably be good, but I think then I could definitely make s16 sente (due to aji of cut-off stones at k17) and I think there's enough space for little ponnuki group to live nicely. GoAhead NR : ok. wnewman NR : I'd try to unsettle corner group, don't know how much pressure I could generate. wnewman NR : Basically mess around and hope for weak moves from GoAhead.. GoAhead NR : you don't have to wait long - I promise. ] ;W[lj]WL[1502]C[ GoAhead NR : n8 would be stylish now wnewman NR : GoAhead has several forcing moves related to the stone at n8: I think it's better to leave them unplayed until you know which one you need. ] ;B[li]BL[1151] ;W[kk]WL[1481]C[ wnewman NR : If something is about to happen to take away your forcing move, then it may make sense wnewman NR : to play it in a hurry, e.g. "kikashi before life" proverb. wnewman NR : Otherwise leave it unplayed so your opponent doesn't know which forcing sequence to defend against.. GoAhead NR : interesting. ] ;B[ml]BL[1073] ;W[nm]WL[1460]C[ GoAhead NR : next move is inportant. Continuing playing at n8/n9 group might end in a catastrophy GoAhead NR : so I would prefer l10 and then o12. ] ;B[lp]BL[979]C[ GoAhead NR : oops wnewman NR : GoAhead shows confidence in its fighting ability. ] ;W[ni]WL[1374]C[ GoAhead NR : well, just a bug I think - now you have him definitely wnewman NR : With proper play GoAhead gets a lot for it though: the cut at O13 at the very least. GoAhead NR : what about B(o12) p11 p12 q11 q12 r11 r12, Bill? ] ;B[jk]BL[879] ;W[kl]WL[1305]C[ wnewman NR : On the other hand, if GoAhead still has trouble with large-scale captures (like the group around g8 in Indigo game) then I might be OK. GoAhead NR : yes still troubles ... GoAhead NR : looks like a large scale semiai is going to come ] ;B[lm]BL[790]C[ wnewman NR : In the sequence that follows, the peep at n7 might be more useful than the play at n8. (maybe worth several points in late middlegame) ] ;W[jl]WL[1276]C[ wnewman NR : but maybe this works too ] ;B[ki]BL[711]C[ GoAhead NR : definitely bad. GoAhead NR : GoAhead feared the cut at l11, but b could answer l10 and then l12, capturing in a ladder. wnewman NR : It's an important play, but not the most urgent I think. Like m4 -- but both are still pretty sensible moves. wnewman NR : I've seen lots of go programs play much, *much* worse moves. GoAhead NR : thank you ] ;W[ln]WL[1169]C[ GoAhead NR : isn't m6 dangerous (pressing against own weak group)? GoAhead NR : score S+102 according to GoAhead ] ;B[kn]BL[606]C[ wnewman NR : I anticipate black l7 white l6 black k7 white j8, not great but acceptable. wnewman NR : That would get k8 and p7 groups out of immediate danger and probably enough liberties to win capturing race against q10 group later. GoAhead NR : I see. ] ;W[mm]WL[1101]C[ wnewman NR : GoAhead disagreed with my analysis, but I think I was right. :-) GoAhead NR : you have simply trapped him. wnewman NR : Actually "probably enough liberties to win capturing race later" may have been optimistic. But it seemed like the best chance to stay in the game. ] ;B[ll]BL[474]C[ wnewman NR : One of the two big reasons that my go program is a complete wreck is that I am rewriting the heuristics to understand the importance of cutting stones. GoAhead NR : yes, importance of cutting stones is a big problem GoAhead NR : sometimes important / sometimes better to sacrifice wnewman NR : Right now my program is blissfully ignorant of the importance of stones like n8. :-( ] ;W[km]WL[1017]C[ GoAhead NR : now back to S+91 ] ;B[ng]BL[385] ;W[oi]WL[932]C[ GoAhead NR : another cutting stone ... ] ;B[pi]BL[316]C[ wnewman NR : I do not believe it is in GoAhead's nature to let me have this cutting stone. wnewman NR : wnewman However, I've been wrong before. :-| ] ;W[oh]WL[867]C[ GoAhead NR : GoAhead saw that o13 stone cannot be captured directly after B(q11) ] ;B[qm]BL[246]C[ GoAhead NR : wrong side (r12 first) GoAhead NR : bad decision concerning the cutting stone at o13 I think ] ;W[ro]WL[707]C[ GoAhead NR : was there a connect possibility? wnewman NR : br6 wq5 bs5 ws4 bt4 GoAhead NR : i see. (missed r6 first) wnewman NR : I am impressed with GoAhead's reading. (especially on Atari!) GoAhead NR : thx ] ;B[pq]BL[167]C[ GoAhead NR : oh, sh ... wnewman NR : q3 now GoAhead makes its bad move. wnewman NR : Now I have to think about whether black is dead. Be patient, I haven't necessarily lost my connection. GoAhead NR : don't think that GoAhaed plays so many moves due to reading - most of the moves are played without any reading at all. ] ;W[mh]WL[360]C[ wnewman NR : Hmm, sometimes it does miss things it shouldn't miss if it were reading (e.g. playing m8) GoAhead NR : yes. see my last comment. ] ;B[rn]BL[92]C[ GoAhead NR : bad direction again (r12 first) wnewman NR : It catches me by surprise, I had only analyzed br12 wr13 bs12 and such. GoAhead NR : yes, GoAhead simply plays bad moves now. wnewman NR : This is not necessarily bad. wnewman NR : Just unexpected. GoAhead NR : B stones all dead - I promise. wnewman NR : It is sort of another example of leaving forcing moves in reserve like I talked about at n8. wnewman NR : However, it sounds as though it is doing it by accident instead of on purpose.. GoAhead NR : right. ] ;W[sj]WL[36]C[ wnewman NR : One think about GoAhead, it forces me to make terrible shape. I have 6 empty triangles on the board! ] ;B[lk]BL[5]C[ wnewman NR : Is that right? GoAhead NR : apparently - must be a bug. wnewman NR : (I seem to recall that you are typing moves in by hand.) wnewman NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;W[nl]WL[2695]C[ wnewman NR : My program does that kind of stuff sometimes because of the horizon effect: it doesn't like what it sees at the edge of its search, so it plays a stupid but forcing move to put off the bad result until it's beyond its search horizon. I don't know any complete solution. GoAhead NR : is entering byo-yomi ] ;B[qh]BL[2639]C[ ] ;W[qg]WL[2664] ;B[rh]BL[2583]C[ wnewman NR : I spent a lot of time a few moves ago trying to figure out how to ignore r13 and get strong-enough groups on both sides, but I couldn't convince myself it would work. ] ;W[sh]WL[2659] ;B[rj]BL[2506]C[ wnewman NR : If GoAhead isn't alive here, it's very close :-( wnewman NR : I didn't realize that it could threaten to make a 4-space eye r8 r9 r10 r11 even if I kept it from making any eyes on the side. :-( GoAhead NR : yes, looks like a rather diffucult L&D problem ... GoAhead NR : ... but remember that GoAhead will not be able to find the best moves wnewman NR : Yes, you keep saying that, but it doesn't always happen! GoAhead NR : well, look at the game so far: you won all local fights. GoAhead NR : m9 was really terrible. B had good forcing moves (m5,j8). Now these opportunities have disappeared. wnewman NR : Yes, losing m5 is too bad. But q3 was probably a worse move. (m9 lost a little in sente, q3 gained a tiny amount in gote.) GoAhead NR : agree. ] ;W[sl]WL[1967]C[ GoAhead NR : w(s9) would have also killed? ] ;B[rl]BL[2439]C[ wnewman NR : I thought ws9 bt6 wt5 bs8 lived, but I'm not sure. Like I said, I'm probably below-average in tactical reading for a 1d. ] ;W[sm]WL[1855] ;B[rk]BL[2369] ;W[ri]WL[1844]C[ GoAhead NR : B(t9) t11 r11 t13 lives. will you play ko? ] ;B[qi]BL[2365]C[ wnewman NR : This doesn't really work, I thought somehow I might get q12 in sente but I was hallucinating. ] ;W[hp]WL[1834]C[ wnewman NR : I'll save the rest of my ko threats like a sensible person. ] ;B[jn]BL[2318] ;W[gq]WL[1764]C[ GoAhead NR : Does black live now, or is it ko? wnewman NR : black is alive. GoAhead NR : whow! wnewman NR : r8 and t8 are miai, and t8 is not ko. ] ;B[fq]BL[2250]C[ wnewman NR : And for good measure, t6 is a double threat to escape and to capture t7. GoAhead NR : yes, I see. ] ;W[iq]WL[1751]C[ GoAhead NR : GoAHead's not sure about L&D: score S+50 ] ;B[jq]BL[2188]C[ wnewman NR : I have some hope of getting a free move, then. GoAhead NR : yes, sure. ] ;W[hn]WL[1726] ;B[en]BL[2113] ;W[ik]WL[1705] ;B[il]BL[2064] ;W[hk]WL[1695]C[ wnewman NR : This may be bad judgment: the two white stones are heavy. But I could really use a fight right now. ] ;B[hi]BL[2000]C[ GoAhead NR : I must analye the L&D at home again. Cannot read it out after W(s9) instead of t8 wnewman NR : I think white s11 instead of t10 might have been better, but probably I just couldn't afford to play n12 and still kill the group. ] ;W[gi]WL[1684]C[ wnewman NR : As I said, I'd assumed that if I took all the eyespace on the edge, the fight was over -- not so. ] ;B[gj]BL[1925] ;W[im]WL[1677]C[ wnewman NR : Now I think g11 was bad: I should either play j7 immediately, or I should play e10 and see what happens. GoAhead NR : score is now S+46 ] ;B[sk]BL[1855]C[ wnewman NR : White can only hope black makes big mistake soon. GoAhead NR : what did i say ] ;W[hj]WL[1672]C[ wnewman NR : another empty triangle! ] ;B[kg]BL[1723] ;W[hh]WL[1641]C[ GoAhead NR : yes h12 was urgent for both. GoAhead was scared about L11 group ] ;B[ii]BL[1649]C[ wnewman NR : I was hoping I could catch GoAhead by surprise in large scale attacks like this, but it seems to understand them better than I realized. Still, trouble for g10 is good for me. ] ;W[fh]WL[1629]C[ wnewman NR : I have lots of aji here anyway, maybe something will happen. GoAhead NR : yes lots. GoAhead NR : sorry, I've made a typo on the Atari, be patient, please wnewman NR : no problem ] ;B[fl]BL[1571]C[ GoAhead NR : score has reduced to B+36 wnewman NR : I haven't counted, but I thought B was further ahead than that. GoAhead NR : what's your result? ] ;W[ek]WL[1587]C[ wnewman NR : Actually, maybe that's right. I was forgetting about white captures, and lower right black territory looked even bigger than it is. GoAhead NR : GoAhead counts negative points for weak groups (Q9) which is still not alive to him. ] ;B[ej]BL[1421] ;W[fk]WL[1478]C[ wnewman NR : I am out of practice. I thought for a while that I couldn't cut here because bg9 wg8 bh8 is double atari, but b can't h8 because of shortage of liberties. ] ;B[gk]BL[1332]C[ wnewman NR : I hope GoAhead doesn't see something I don't.. ] ;W[gl]WL[1471]C[ GoAhead NR : you have captured B group g9. That's it. wnewman NR : Cut at e12 is still interesting. I wish I had had the prescience to play kikashi around e14 and f15 before starting this sequence. GoAhead NR : e12 doesn't appear to GoAhead ] ;B[fm]BL[1222]C[ wnewman NR : Still, it's hard to see how black can save f10 without side-effects bad for m11. GoAhead NR : yes, you're right. ] ;W[ig]WL[1452]C[ wnewman NR : another less-speculative kikashi to deal with the cut ] ;B[kf]BL[1119]C[ wnewman NR : and induce something cutting off the o11 group so I finally have an excuse to play s18 ] ;W[rd]WL[1422]C[ wnewman NR : actually bad -- m15 is double sente :-( GoAhead NR : why sente for B (please give a variation if tennuki)? ] ;B[pc]BL[1035] ;W[le]WL[1408]C[ wnewman NR : b m15 w tenuki b n13 GoAhead NR : I see - my fault wnewman NR : not incredibly forcing on either side, especially after b q17 wnewman NR : but close enough to sente on both sides that I count it as double sente ] ;B[hc]BL[939] ;W[hb]WL[1404] ;B[id]BL[831]C[ wnewman NR : has entered byo-yomi again GoAhead NR : you have it down to S+26 now! ] ;W[lb]WL[1367]C[ GoAhead NR : has entered byo-yomi again wnewman NR : I don't count that carefully at this point: I count the score at this point as ``I'd better still try to complicate the game.'' wnewman NR : If it gets closer, then I'll start counting properly. GoAhead NR : yes of course. just an information for you wnewman NR : Of course, some things like m16 are urgent and big enough that I'll play them even if they might not complicate the game. GoAhead NR : what do you think about the possibility B(c8) later? ] ;B[ld]BL[746]C[ wnewman NR : c8 and c12 are both still worrisome. GoAhead NR : e.g. c8 d7 b7 b6 c11 ... wnewman NR : m18 or m17 interesting choice, white has shortage-of-liberties problems on both sides. But white can fix the problems above in sente wnewman NR : by playing m12, so I think m17 would be better than m16. GoAhead NR : yes, agree. wnewman NR : I think I'll think for a few minutes. GoAhead NR : ok. ] ;W[ar]WL[2681]C[ wnewman NR : maybe time to stop trying to complicate the game :-) wnewman NR : but this simplifies for me and might complicate for GoAhead :-) :-) wnewman NR : c8 is kind of scary, you're right. GoAhead NR : yes I wonder why GoAhead didn't capture at a3 before GoAhead NR : normally he likes eating stones very muchy wnewman NR : not a capture, just destroys my eye ] ;B[gm]BL[2549] ;W[hl]WL[2255]C[ GoAhead NR : my fault again, sorry Bill. wnewman NR : just shows that you haven't wasted too much of your life playing go GoAhead NR : oh I'd like to become a stonger go player GoAhead NR : and if only for purpose to get more ideas to program GoAhead wnewman NR : By the way, forcing at g7 was expensive: now j10 isn't sente, so k12 is a more severe threat. ] ;B[ck]BL[2419]C[ wnewman NR : I don't know whether I'll have to use m12 to fix my shortage of liberties at n14 though. wnewman NR : The two aren't compatible. wnewman NR : c9 doesn't seem as severe as c8, but still interesting. GoAhead NR : too bad, c9 doesn't achieve anything, I fear wnewman NR : I think w must be careful: if c8, then what if b peep at b7? (Does GoAhead read sequences like this?) GoAhead NR : no. GoAhead NR : only if successful L&D calculation. GoAhead NR : (concerning W group around c6 - not very probable) ] ;W[cl]WL[2246]C[ wnewman NR : If GoAhead escapes with this group too I will be discouraged. (and impressed) ] ;B[go]BL[2285]C[ GoAhead NR : GoAhead is also scared about his lower left corner group wnewman NR : I want to threaten to live below instead of just connecting, but I have a fair amount of reading to do. GoAhead NR : take your time wnewman NR : GoAhead is right: the group isn't going to die, but there are lots of interesting threats against it. (Fewer now that g5 has been played, though.) wnewman NR : There are still enough threats that w h5 may be sente. wnewman NR : but I am trying to see whether I can play w f2 or w e2 instead. ] ;W[ho]WL[2019]C[ wnewman NR : Oh well, sente is good. ] ;B[gn]BL[2187] ;W[cg]WL[1540]C[ GoAhead NR : no chance left for B e10 group, I think. wnewman NR : A black move around f2 would have been significantly better; this way I can capture the b2c2 group (in gote). GoAhead NR : GoAHead consideres E10 as dead now GoAhead NR : score=S+7 wnewman NR : Yes, c13 is sente and fairly large anyway, and I really really wanted it to deal with e10 group. ] ;B[rc]BL[2098]C[ wnewman NR : s17 is clever, almost a threat to kill r13 group. I will double-check. wnewman NR : It's worth double-checking, since b15 is much bigger than the biggest defensive move I can find (t13). ] ;W[be]WL[1520] ;B[bd]BL[1985]C[ wnewman NR : The thunderstorm has finally arrived here, so if I disappear from the net I may have been zapped by lighting or slurped up by a tornado. ] ;W[ce]WL[1261]C[ GoAhead NR : once again difficult situation for B upper left corner group now GoAhead NR : should I resign, Bill? What's your opinion? GoAhead NR : I think, it's better ] ;B[de]BL[1898] ;W[cd]WL[1232] ;B[cc]BL[1834] ;W[mb]WL[1209]C[ wnewman NR : I am ahead now; when I run out of sente plays I will play e2. wnewman NR : However, I was curious how GoAhead would play the next 10 moves or so. GoAhead NR : I think, I resign, and we can talk a bit more over the game, ok? wnewman NR : OK. ]; )