(; GM[1]US[Brought to you by IGS] CoPyright[ Copyright (c) Tim L. Casey 1994 Permission to reproduce this game is given, provided proper credit is given. No warrantee, implied or explicit, is understood. Use of this game is an understanding and agreement of this notice. ] GN[Gogol-Gobble(B) IGS]RE[B+Resign] PW[Gogol]WR[19k ]NW[13.0] PB[Gobble]BR[25k ]NB[ 7.0] PC[IGS: hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969]DT[1995-01-10] SZ[9]TM[1800]KM[0.500000]LT[] C[ Gobble 25k : got an empty board! Gobble 25k : this time I used match instead of automatch Gobble 25k : ok Gobble 25k : at the current system load moves will take 30s on average Gobble 25k : for 4800 random games ] ;B[dg]BL[1705] ;W[gc]WL[1770]C[ Gobble 25k : Gobbel moved ] ;B[gf]BL[1670] ;W[ff]WL[1749] ;B[fe]BL[1636] ;W[fg]WL[1730]C[ Gobble 25k : yours or mine? ] ;B[ge]BL[1597] ;W[hd]WL[1711]C[ Gobble 25k : statistics says connected groups are more likely to survive ] ;B[ee]BL[1563] ;W[he]WL[1691] ;B[gg]BL[1528] ;W[ef]WL[1670]C[ Gobble 25k : good Gobble 25k : did the ladder motivate you? Gobble 25k : it did me ] ;B[df]BL[1493] ;W[ec]WL[1651]C[ Gobble 25k : I have a new version too, but I don't trust it yet ] ;B[hf]BL[1456]C[ Gobble 25k : I need a real potential function Gobble 25k : look at how Gobble clusters ] ;W[fh]WL[1625]C[ Gobble 25k : ? ] ;B[gh]BL[1424] ;W[eh]WL[1604]C[ Gobble 25k : what do you use ] ;B[dc]BL[1386] ;W[dd]WL[1579] ;B[de]BL[1353] ;W[ed]WL[1555] ;B[dh]BL[1318]C[ Gobble 25k : I played around with potentials and patternson top of random games ] ;W[cd]WL[1532]C[ Gobble 25k : it seems very hard to combine them ] ;B[ce]BL[1282] ;W[if]WL[1509]C[ Gobble 25k : just computing shortest paths Gobble 25k : for influence ] ;B[cc]BL[1244] ;W[bd]WL[1488] ;B[be]BL[1213]C[ Gobble 25k : typical Gobble mistake: can't read borders ] ;W[fi]WL[1459]C[ Gobble 25k : yes: 500000 4x4 patterns. not too useful at this moment ] ;B[eb]BL[1175]C[ Gobble 25k : why did it happen? ] ;W[bc]WL[1429] ;B[bb]BL[1142]C[ Gobble 25k : same here: Gobble thinks that's a save ] ;W[ae]WL[1400] ;B[fb]BL[1108] ;W[fc]WL[1366] ;B[gb]BL[1078] ;W[af]WL[1344] ;B[hb]BL[1043] ;W[bg]WL[1325] ;B[cb]BL[1008]C[ Gobble 25k : you have no idea what gobble makes, gobble makes awful mistakes in the endgame ] ;W[hg]WL[1297] ;B[hh]BL[974] ;W[ig]WL[1268]C[ Gobble 25k : even more awful than the early mistakes :) ] ;B[db]BL[935]C[ Gobble 25k : ... I mean, argh ] ;W[ch]WL[1245]C[ Gobble 25k : do you sometimes yell at the computer? ] ;B[di]BL[900] ;W[ci]WL[1224] ;B[bf]BL[863] ;W[cg]WL[1202]C[ Gobble 25k : Ba2 didn't even make the top 8 ] ;B[hc]BL[820] ;W[fd]WL[1162] ;B[ac]BL[785]C[ Gobble 25k : ?????????? Gobble 25k : you are welcome ] ;W[gd]WL[1120] ;B[id]BL[752] ;W[ih]WL[1095] ;B[ah]BL[717]C[ Gobble 25k : gobble doesn't know seki Gobble 25k : just keeps putting stones ] ;W[ag]WL[1064] ;B[ie]BL[682]C[ Gobble 25k : there is always a chance that an oponent does not see an atari Gobble 25k : I have to do something about those self kills ] ;W[ad]WL[1020]C[ Gobble 25k : thanks ] ;B[ic]BL[647] ;W[ab]WL[995] ;B[ai]BL[614] ;W[gi]WL[968] ;B[hi]BL[580]C[ Gobble 25k : try again Gobble 25k : I think so too to 90% Gobble 25k : thank you Gobble 25k : why don't you resign, and we play with W/B? Gobble 25k : don't tune gogol to gobbles mistakes :) Gobble 25k : type resign ]; )