# # use ChimeraX 1.6 daily build from Jan 5 2023 or newer # windowsize 600 800 set bg_color white # orthographic projection (turn off perspective, in which closer=larger) camera ortho # 4lde active-state B2AR with antibody and high-affinity agonist residue P0G; # PDB file from OPM includes estimated boundaries of membrane hydrophobic core # https://opm.phar.umich.edu/proteins/1102 open 4lde-OPM.pdb define plane :dum@N name inner color moccasin thickness 0.5 define plane :dum@O name outer color moccasin thickness 0.5 trans #1.3-4 80 # inactive B2AR dimer with carazolol (partial inverse agonist) residue CAU open 2rh1 delete /B # delete residues not from ADRB2_HUMAN as reported in Log del #1 & protein & ~:1029-1348 del #2 & protein & ~:1-230,263-365 hide atoms mm #2 to #1 preset licorice view rainbow color modify saturation - 50 define axis perhelix true rad 0.75 # hide axes for some of the non-transmembrane helices hide #1.5.5,8,11 #2.2.5 color #1 & C plum targ ra color #2 & C gray targ ra light gentle # show agonist, define centroids of ring systems show :p0g define centroid :p0g@cag,cah,cai,caj,cat,cav rad 0.8 col magenta define centroid :p0g@cak,cal,cam,cas,oar,naq,cau,caw,cax,cay rad 0.8 col magenta