.. vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: .. === UCSF ChimeraX Copyright === Copyright 2016 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. This software provided pursuant to a license agreement containing restrictions on its disclosure, duplication and use. For details see: http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/licensing.html This notice must be embedded in or attached to all copies, including partial copies, of the software or any revisions or derivations thereof. === UCSF ChimeraX Copyright === map: Density maps ================= 3D image data from electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, light microscopy, and medical imaging, and segmentations can be read from dozens of file formats, saved to a few formats (e.g. MRC or HDF5), rendered as transparent 3D image stacks or contour surfaces, filtered (e,g. smoothing), fit with atomic models, annotated with markers, measured, segmented. Classes ------- * :class:`.Volume` - model for drawing 3d images. * :class:`.VolumeSurface` - calculates and renders contour surfaces, child model of Volume. * :class:`.VolumeImage` - volumetric image rendering, child model of Volume. * :class:`.RenderingOptions` - settings for surface and image renderings. * :class:`~chimerax.map_data.GridData` - 3d image data, does not render it. * :class:`~chimerax.map_data.ArrayGridData` - 3d image data created from a numpy array. Read, Write, Create ------------------- * :func:`.open_map` - read 3d image data from a file * :func:`.save_map` - write 3d image data to a file * :func:`.volume_from_grid_data` - create a :class:`.Volume` from image data. Operations ---------- These operations create new :class:`.Volume` models from existing ones and implement the Chimera volume subcommands (e.g. "volume resample"). * :func:`~.volume_add` - add two or more volumes * :func:`~.volume_bin` - reduce map size by averaging over bins * :func:`~.volume_boxes` - extract subvolumes centered on markers * :func:`~.volume_copy` - copy a volume * :func:`~.volume_cover` - use symmetry to extend a volume * :func:`~.volume_erase` - erase volume inside or outside a sphere * :func:`~.volume_falloff` - smooth the falloff of a masked map at its boundary * :func:`~.volume_flatten` - scale values to flatten map baseline * :func:`~.volume_flip` - reverse data planes along a specified axis * :func:`~.volume_fourier` - Fourier transform * :func:`~.volume_gaussian` - Gaussian smoothing or sharpening * :func:`~.volume_laplacian` - Laplacian filtering * :func:`~.volume_local_correlation` - calculate map-map correlation over a sliding box * :func:`~.mask` - mask a map to a surface; see also :func:`~.ones_mask` * :func:`~.volume_maximum` - take the maximum values pointwise from two or more maps * :func:`~.volume_median` - set each value to the median of values in a surrounding box * :func:`~.volume_minimum` - take the minimum values pointwise from two or more maps * :func:`~.volume_morph` - morph (interpolate) between two or more maps * :func:`~.volume_multiply` - multiply values in two or more maps * :func:`~.volume_new` - create empty (zero-valued) map; see also volume onesmask * :func:`~.volume_octant` - erase all but the positive octant * :func:`~.ones_mask` - create map with values of 1 bounded by a surface * :func:`~.volume_permute_axes` - permute axes * :func:`~.volume_resample` - resample a map on a different grid * :func:`~.volume_ridges` - skeletonize; emphasize ridges or filaments in the density * :func:`~.volume_scale` - scale, shift, normalize, and/or cast to a different data value type * :func:`~.split_volume_by_color_zone` - split map by zones previously colored with color zone * :func:`~.volume_subtract` - subtract another map from the first * :func:`~.volume_threshold` - reassign values that are below a specified minimum and/or above a specified maximum * :func:`~.volume_tile` - make a single-plane volume from tiled slices of another volume * :func:`~.volume_unbend` - unbend a map near a path formed by markers/links or atoms/bonds * :func:`~.volume_unroll` - unroll a cylindrical slab into a flat slab * :func:`~.volume_unzone` - show the full extent of a map previously limited to a zone with volume zone * :func:`~.volume_zone` - limit the display to a zone around specified atoms, or make a new map with values of zero at grid points within or beyond the zone Volume ------ .. autoclass:: chimerax.map.Volume :members: :show-inheritance: :exclude-members: delete, first_intercept, planes_pick, restore_snapshot, selected, showing_transparent, take_snapshot RenderingOptions ---------------- .. autoclass:: chimerax.map.volume.RenderingOptions :members: VolumeSurface ------------- .. autoclass:: chimerax.map.VolumeSurface :members: :show-inheritance: :exclude-members: delete, restore_snapshot, take_snapshot VolumeImage ----------- .. autoclass:: chimerax.map.VolumeImage :members: :show-inheritance: :exclude-members: delete, restore_snapshot, single_color, take_snapshot GridData -------- .. autoclass:: chimerax.map_data.GridData :members: ArrayGridData ------------- .. autoclass:: chimerax.map_data.ArrayGridData :members: :exclude-members: read_matrix :show-inheritance: Open and Save 3D Image Data --------------------------- .. automodule:: chimerax.map.volume :members: open_map, save_map Create a Volume from GridData ----------------------------- .. autofunction:: chimerax.map.volume_from_grid_data