Download UCSF ChimeraX

You have reached this page because we believe you are attempting to download UCSF ChimeraX
from a commercial business or other commercial organization. Commercial use of UCSF ChimeraX
is covered by a written license agreement executed with each business entity. When you obtain
a commercial license for UCSF ChimeraX, you will be provided with a license key that can be entered
into the text box below. If you have not yet obtained a commercial license and wish to do so,
or believe you have mistakenly been directed to this page, please contact us by email.
Additional information about licensing UCSF ChimeraX is available here.

If you already have a commercial UCSF ChimeraX license, either enter the license key in the text box
or select the file on your local computer that contains the license key. (License keys begin with
the line "---BEGIN_LICENSE---" and end with "---END_LICENSE---" and include everything
between these lines.)

License text:
License file: