import Tkinter as Tk, Pmw, urllib from baseDialog import ModelessDialog from chimera import replyobj regURL = "" usersURL = "" announceURL = "" SubscribeFailure = ( "An error occurred while attempting to " "subscribe to the Chimera %s mailing list. " "Try subscribing manually by visiting the " "" "Chimera feedback page.") SubscribeOkay = ( "You have been subscribed to the Chimera %s mailing list; " "look for a confirmation message in the e-mail " "account '%s'") class RegDialog(ModelessDialog): name = "Registration" buttons = ('Register', 'Close') provideStatus = True usage_types = [ 'Research', 'Teaching', 'Presentation Graphics', 'Personal' ] org_types = [ 'Educational', 'Non-profit', 'Personal', 'Commercial' ] def fillInUI(self, parent): self.addInfo(parent) self.entries = self.addFields(parent) self.status("Click 'Register' to continue...") def map(self, e=None): # First check if the server can be accessed if self.checkConnection(): return else: replyobj.pushMode(replyobj.ERROR) replyobj.message( 'There has been an error while trying to\n' 'contact the server. Your registration cannot \n' 'be processed at this time.\n\n' 'If you use a proxy server to connect to the web,\n' 'try configuring the proxy settings in the \n' 'Web Access Preferences category, restarting \n' 'Chimera, and trying again.\n') replyobj.popMode() self.Close() def checkIfRegistered(self): import registration return registration.checkRegistration(nag=0) def checkConnection(self): try: file = urllib.urlopen(regURL) except IOError: return False return True def addInfo(self, parent): self.infoFrame = Tk.Frame(parent) self.regGroup = Pmw.Group(self.infoFrame, tag_text="Chimera Registration") from chimera.HtmlText import HtmlText registered = self.checkIfRegistered() if registered: height = 8 else: height = 6 = HtmlText(self.regGroup.interior(), height=height, relief='flat', wrap='word', highlightthickness=0) if registered:, "Your copy of Chimera is already registered

"), "Thank you for registering your copy of Chimera. " "Development of Chimera is supported in part through " "funding from the National Institutes of Health " "(grant P41-RR01081). By providing the information requested " "below you will be helping us document the impact this " "software is having in the scientific community. The " "information you supply will only be used " "for reporting summary usage statistics to NIH " "(i.e., no individual data will be reported to NIH)."), pady=5, state="disabled"), fill=Tk.Y, anchor=Tk.W) self.regGroup.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, padx=7, pady=4) self.infoFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH) def addFields(self, parent): fields = ['*Name:\n(Last, First)', '*E-mail:', 'Organization:'] entries = [] self.entryFrame = Tk.Frame(parent, padx=5) self.entryLabel = Tk.Label(self.entryFrame, text="Please provide the following information, "\ "and click 'Register' ('*' denotes a required field). "\ "Chimera will install the registration key in the proper "\ "location.") self.entryLabel.config(wraplength=500, justify=Tk.LEFT) self.entryLabel.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.Y, anchor=Tk.W, pady=10) ##Entry Fields for field in fields: row = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) lab = Tk.Label(row, width=15, text=field, justify=Tk.RIGHT) ent = Tk.Entry(row) row.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X, pady=2) lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT, pady=2) ent.pack(side=Tk.RIGHT, expand=Tk.YES, fill=Tk.X, pady=2) entries.append(ent) ##Radio Buttons for organization type self.orgTypeFrame = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) self.orgVar = Tk.StringVar(parent) lab = Tk.Label(self.orgTypeFrame, width=15, text='') lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) for type in self.org_types: button = Tk.Radiobutton(self.orgTypeFrame, text=type, variable=self.orgVar, value=type) button.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.orgTypeFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X) entries.append(self.orgVar) ##Radio Buttons for software usage: self.usageFrame = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) self.usageVar = Tk.StringVar(parent) lab = Tk.Label(self.usageFrame, width=15, text='Will primarily\nbe used for:') lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) for use in self.usage_types: button = Tk.Radiobutton(self.usageFrame, text=use, variable=self.usageVar, value=use) button.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.usageFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X, pady=4) entries.append(self.usageVar) ##for NIH 'fundedness' self.NIHFrame = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) self.nihVar = Tk.IntVar(parent) lab = Tk.Label(self.NIHFrame, width=2, text='') lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.nihChk = Tk.Checkbutton(self.NIHFrame, text='This software will be used in support of NIH-funded research', variable=self.nihVar) self.nihChk.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.NIHFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X) entries.append(self.nihVar) ## for chimera-users mailing list usersFrame = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) self.usersVar = Tk.IntVar(parent) self.announceVar = Tk.IntVar(parent) lab = Tk.Label(usersFrame, width=2, text='') lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.usersChk = Tk.Checkbutton(usersFrame, text="Add me to the Chimera users mailing list (,\n" \ "which is used for discussion of Chimera usage and features", justify="left", variable=self.usersVar) self.usersChk.pack(side=Tk.LEFT, pady=2) usersFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X) entries.append(self.usersVar) ############################ ## for chimera-announce mailing list announceFrame = Tk.Frame(self.entryFrame) self.announceVar = Tk.IntVar(parent) lab = Tk.Label(announceFrame, width=2, text='') lab.pack(side=Tk.LEFT) self.announceChk = Tk.Checkbutton(announceFrame, text="Add me to the Chimera announcements mailing list (,\n" \ "which is used for announcing new releases and workshops " \ "(~2-3 messages per year)", justify="left", variable=self.announceVar) self.announceChk.pack(side=Tk.LEFT, pady=2) announceFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X) self.announceVar.set(1) entries.append(self.announceVar) ############################ self.entryFrame.pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.X, pady=4) return entries def checkEntries(self, user=None, email=None, **kw): ##check if name is in valid format if user == '' or not ',' in user: replyobj.error("Please re-enter Name in the form 'Last, First'.\n") return False ##check that they've entered a valid email address if email == '' or not ('@' in email): replyobj.error("Please enter a valid email address.\n") return False return True def checkResponse(self, text): ##What message has the server returned...? if text.find('from chimera import registration') >= 0: return 'OK' if text.find(' is unacceptable.') >= 0: return 'Invalid' return 'Error' def processResponse(self, res, text): if res == 'Invalid': start = text.find('submitted') end = text.find('is unacceptable') ##extract the part of the message that specifies what's wrong error = text[start+10:end-1] replyobj.error("The %s you have entered is not valid. Please try again.\n" % error) return 0 elif res == 'Error': from BugReport import bugNotify bugNotify("An error has occurred on the Chimera registration server.", "Encountered an error in the server-side " \ "registration script." ) return 0 elif res == 'OK': start = text.find("\"\"\"") + 3 end = text.rfind("\"\"\"") ##just extract the registration certificate msg = text[start:end] from chimera import registration data = registration.install(msg) ##result of installation procedure res = data[1] if data[0] == 0: res = "Installation Error: " + res + '\n' replyobj.error(res) return 0 else: + '\n') self.status("Thank you for registering chimera.", echoToMain=True) return 1 def Register(self): info = { 'user': self.entries[0].get().encode('utf8'), 'email': self.entries[1].get().encode('utf8'), 'organization': self.entries[2].get().encode('utf8'), 'type': self.entries[3].get(), 'usage' : self.entries[4].get(), 'nih': self.entries[5].get() } doSubscribeUsers = self.entries[6].get() doSubscribeAnnounce = self.entries[7].get() ##for 'backwards compatibility' with existing registration scheme: if info['nih']: info['nih'] = 'yes' else: info['nih'] = '' if not self.checkEntries(**info): return self.status("Contacting") # import urllib info.update({ 'action': 'Register automatically' }) params = urllib.urlencode(info) file = urllib.urlopen(regURL, params) text = res = self.checkResponse(text) ok = self.processResponse(res, text) if res != 'Invalid': self.Close() ## everything went OK on the server-side if ok: msgs = [] ## if they wanted to subscribe to the mailing list if doSubscribeUsers: try: self.subscribe(usersURL, info['user'], info['email']) except: msgs.append(SubscribeFailure % "discussion") else: msgs.append(SubscribeOkay % ("discussion", info['email'])) if doSubscribeAnnounce: try: self.subscribe(announceURL, info['user'], info['email']) except: msgs.append(SubscribeFailure % "announcements") else: msgs.append(SubscribeOkay % ("announcements", info['email'])) ## pop up the dialog that says Chimera has been ## registered AlreadyRegisteredDialog("\n".join(msgs)) def subscribe(self, url, username, email): param_dict = { 'email' : email, 'fullname' : username } params = urllib.urlencode(param_dict) file = urllib.urlopen(url, params) text = print "GOT %s for text" % text import dialogs dialogs.register(, RegDialog) class AlreadyRegisteredDialog(ModelessDialog): title = "Registered" buttons = ('OK') highlight = 'OK' def __init__(self, addl_info=None): self.addl_info = addl_info ModelessDialog.__init__(self, oneshot=1) def fillInUI(self, parent): from chimera.HtmlText import HtmlText t = HtmlText(parent, width=60, height=7, relief='flat', wrap='word') t.insert(0.0 , "

Your copy of Chimera has been registered...." \ "thank you!

" ) t.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") if self.addl_info: t.insert(0.0, "


" % self.addl_info) t.configure(state='disabled') parent.rowconfigure(0,weight=1) parent.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)