# Create movie of cd4 and 17b binding gp120. movie record wait 50 # fly in cd4 reset b1 50 2dlabels change cd4 visibility hide frames 50 wait 50 # pause wait 25 # fly in 17b reset b2 50 2dlabels change fab visibility hide frames 50 wait 50 # hide gp120 label 2dlabels change gp120 visibility hide frames 25 wait 25 # Switch to single 1gc1 model modeldisp #2 ~modeldisp #8,9,6 # fade out unbound ligand map surft 100 #4 50 wait 50 volume #4 hide # fade in bound ligand map surft 100 #0 volume #0 show surft 30 #0 50 wait 50 # rotate to top view reset unbound 100 wait 100 # rotate to bound orientation reset bound 50 wait 100 # oscillate a couple times reset unbound 50 wait 50 reset bound 50 wait 50 # encode movie movie encode bitrate 8000 output ~/Desktop/bmovie.mov