Created by Tom Goddard using UCSF Chimera Music by La Monte Young, The Well Tuned Piano Data HIV RNA basepairs Joseph M Watts T-cell electron microscopy Jane C. Stinchcombe CCDB 3632 SIV virus electron microscopy Ping Zhu HIV conical capsid Owen Pornillos PDB 3h47, 3p05 Barbie K. Ganser-Pornillos Ribosome Adam Ben-Shem PDB 3u5b, 3u5c, 3u5d, 3u5e Nicolas Garreau de Loubresse Sergey Melnikov Nucleocapsid protein Roberto N De Guzman PDB 1a1t RNA dimerization site Seiki Baba PDB 2d1b, 2d1a Primer tRNA-LYS3 Philippe BĂ©nas PDB 1fir Reverse transcripase Kalyan Das PDB 3v6d Integrase Goedele N. Maertens PDB 3os1 Nuclear pore Martin Beck EMDB 1097 Nucleosomes Thomas Schalch PDB 1zbb Transcription activator TAT Kanchan Anand PDB 2w2h, 2kx5 Amy Davidson Elongation factor Tahir H. Tahirov PDB 3mi9 Rev nuclear export Matthew D. Daugherty PDB 3lph, 1etf, 3gjx John L. Battiste Thomas Monecke Produced by the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization and Informatics with support from National Institutes of Health grants 2P41RR001081 and 9P41GM103311.