Chimera Commands Index

label [ offset default | x,y,z ] atom-spec

~label atom-spec

Label displays labels for all atoms in atom-spec. The default label information is atom name with any alternate location ID appended, but can be changed with labelopt info to element, atom type, or another atom attribute, or even to residue information (note rlabel shows residue labels, as opposed to atom labels with residue information). ~Label removes atom labels.

Label font and size can be set in the Background preferences.

By default, the offset of a label is automatically adjusted based on the display style of the corresponding atom. The offset keyword allows specifying an absolute offset that will not be adjusted, or a return to the default behavior. The word default can be truncated. An absolute offset is specified by three comma-separated values x,y,z representing distances along the X-, Y-, and Z-axes in the laboratory coordinate system:

Negative distances can be used. Label offsets can also be adjusted with the mouse. The default offset is (display_radius + 0.2),0,0.5.

Various labeling tasks require approaches other than label:

See also: color, labelopt, rlabel, the Actions menu, 2dlabels