Remote Stereo Display to an SGI

On SGI IRIX workstations, Chimera uses the auxiliary program autostereod to switch to and from the sequential stereo mode.

There is one situation in which autostereod needs to be started manually: To remote display sequential stereo to an SGI IRIX workstation (the display computer) from another SGI or a Linux workstation (the computer actually running Chimera), autostereod must be started on the display computer before the Chimera session is initiated.

The autostereod program is in the Chimera bin directory. It can be started from a user's .sgisession file or the system-wide /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xsession.dt file. See Chapter 2 of the desktop_eoe relnotes (with the grelnotes or relnotes command) for more details about X session configuration files.