Chimera Scripts and Demos


In this tutorial, it is assumed that you have used chimera before, that you have used the chimera command line, and you'd like to learn how to create a presentation.


Chimera has three interactive methods for manipulating data: the graphical user interface (GUI), the command line (Tools / General Controls / Command Line), and Python code (Tools / General Controls / IDLE). Except for the GUI, the typed-in commands can can be scripted, i.e., replayed from a file. Chimera also provides a Demo tool to organize scripts with a simple GUI that steps through the script and provides explanatory text.

Scripts are an excellent way to create content for animations.

This tutorial will cover developing scripts from commands, from Python code, and organizing them with the Demo Editor tool. It is organized as follows:

Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH) — Receptor Complex

Command line scripts Using the Demo Editor tool Python scripts More information

Command Line Scripts

Frame-based commands

Most chimera commands take effect immediately. For example, when you color a molecule, all of the atom colors are immediately changed. Some commands, given below, can be spread out over time. Those commands have an extra parameter which is the number of frames to spread the effect over. Chimera keeps track of time by the number of frames that have passed, by default a frame is roughly 1/30 of a second. command file

1 #
2 # Chimera command script showing green fluorescent protein (PDB 1gfl)
3 #
4 2dlabels create lab1 text 'Green Fluorescent Protein' color light sea green size 26 xpos .03 ypos .92 visibility show
5 open 1gfl; del ~ :.a; window; linewidth 3; scale 1.6; rainbow; wait
6 sleep 3
7 chain @n,ca,c,o; wait 1
8 sleep 3
9 ~disp; ribbon
10 2dlabels change lab1 visibility hide frames 90; wait
11 2dlabels delete lab1
12 roll y 1 180; wait
13 ribrepr edged
14 roll y 1 180; wait
15 ribrepr smooth
16 roll y 1 180; wait
17 ribbackbone; repr sphere :1.a,230.a@ca; color white,a :1.a,230.a@ca; disp :1.a,230.a@ca
18 roll y 1 90; wait
19 scale 1.015 20; wait
20 disp :65-67.a; color byatom :65-67.a; repr cpk :65-67.a; wait 1
21 clip hither -1 20; wait
22 sleep 5
23 clip hither 1 20; wait
24 scale 0.98 10; wait
25 disp :99.a,153.a,163.a,167.a,202.a,203.a,222.a;repr bs :99.a,153.a,163.a,167.a,202.a,203.a,222.a; ribrepr flat
26 sleep 2
27 roll y 1 180
28 echo script finished

Take this time to review the frame-based commands, examine the example command file — duplicated above in a table with reference line numbers, and run it.

There are many chimera idioms in that script:

On line 5:
del ~ :.a — permanently deletes all atoms except for those in chain a. The atom specification syntax is very powerful.

window; scale 1.6 — The window command causes the view to be centered around the molecule such that it can be rotated in any direction and still be completely visible. Usually, that leaves some extra space around the molecule. So the view is scaled up.

linewidth 3 — makes the lines more visible. This is useful when using an overhead projector. An alternative would be to use sticks for the atoms and bonds.

wait — a historical artifact from when scale commands without a frame count were delayed as if the count were one.

On line 7:
wait 1 — changes in representation only become visible when the next frame is drawn. This insures that the next frame is drawn before the script continues. And wait by itself wouldn't do anything because there are no queued actions.

If the script opened a session file, then much more can prepared in advance. The savepos and reset commands can save and restore positions. Selections can be saved for simpler manipulation, using Name Selections....

Demo Editor

The Demo Editor tool

The goal of this section is to take the command script from the previous section and convert it into a demo using the Demo Editor.

If you haven't done so already, save the file (as a text file) so you can copy & paste lines from it (the realistic scenario). Or you can scroll back to the previous section and copy & paste from there.

Next, run a demo to see what they're like. Either the Tools / Demos / COX Inhibitors Demo or the Tools / Demos / Hormone-Receptors Complex Demo. You will see a sequence of panels with explanations about what is happening in the main graphics window.

Demo Options

Now, bring up the Demo Editor dialog, Tools / Demos / Demo Editor. The Demo Editor has two parts, the list of demo panels and a tabbed control to select between Panel Content, Panel Options, and Demo Options. Start with Demo Options and set the title of your demo. You can also change the image from the default chimera logo. Switch back to Panel Content when you're done.

Deciding what should be in a demo and in what order is beyond the scope of this tutorial. Instead, you are going to break up the contents of the script into panels by using the natural breaks given by the sleep commands, so each panel will be the code in between. Each panel is created by clicking the New button under the Panels section. You will need five panels for this exercise.

Filling in Demo Content starts with displaying a 2D label with the name of the protein. Since the demo provides a separate panel for text, that should be moved over to the Text portion of the Panel Content. It would also be nice to credit the paper that originally presented the solved protein structure — if you File / Fetch 1gfl, you can get the PDB headers with that information by bringing up the Favorites / Model Panel, clicking attributes..., and then clicking PDB Headers.... To copy & paste, use the mouse to select text and the normal keyboard shortcuts for your platform.

Next, create an empty Panel Command by clicking the + button. And copy line 5 of, starting with open 1gfl. You are now done with the first panel.

Next fill in the rest of the panels by copy & pasting the command in into the appropriate Panel Commands. The hardest part might be deciding what the test for each panel should be.

Finally, show your demo to someone else.

Python scripts

While the command line can be used for many things, the ultimate control of chimera is through Python scripts. Assuming you already know Python (if not, google for "Python tutorial" and be prepared to spend some time), the Chimera Programmer's Guide has many valuable examples. If you need more information, please send email to the chimera developers mailing list. In the past, additional examples have been the result of questions.

For this tutorial and in general, experiment with Python code in chimera by using the Tools / General Controls / IDLE tool. Another method is to create Python code using your favorite text editor, and running chimera from a terminal shell (on Windows, the Command Prompt) with that file as an argument. If you give the --nogui option to chimera, you can use chimera to do batch molecular computations. Python scripts can executed in chimera by opening the file, either through File / Open or with the open command.

Before continuing, go to the Chimera Programmer's Guide and go through the first two examples: Chimera's Object Model and Molecular Editing Using Python.

Saving commands as Python code

When the command line is present, Favorites / Command Line, you can save a Python equivalent to the commands you've typed in. The drop down arrow button on the right side of the command line brings up a list of recent commands you've typed in that you can re-edit by clicking on one. The last entry entry, Command History..., is special and brings up the list of all of the commands you've typed in, and the Record... button will save the commands to file as commands or as equivalent Python code.

The Python code is naive:

import chimera
from chimera import runCommand
runCommand('open 1gfl')

Using the Midas module

If you know Python, it is more flexible to use the functions in the Midas module that implements the basic commands. (chimera's predecessor was called midas and most of the commands carried over.) The previous example becomes:
import Midas
modellist ='1gfl')
And then you can interate through the modellist and manipulate the models programmatically.

To find out all of the functions using IDLE, type:

import Midas
And you'll see all of the functions provided by the Midas module. In general, there is a one-to-one correspondence to the commands listed in the User's Guide. Python's help function works everywhere.

If you are looking for coding examples beyond what is provided in the Programmer's Guide, looking at the source to the Midas module is very instructive, particularly CHIMERA/share/Midas/, where CHIMERA is where chimera is installed.

More information

Here are links to more information about the topics covered in this tutorial:

General Information
Command line
Python Coding