Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] how generate peak list from .str file of BMRB
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Jun 25, 2015

Previous: 963 Next: 965

Hi Guowei,

By using two-letter-code ta in NMRFAM-Sparky, you can simulate peaks
in the Superfast assignment dialog.
You need to detach _s (meaning the peak is simualted) by ut (untag)
or cu (center and untag).


On Thu, 2015-06-25 at 15:45 -0400, Guowei Yin puppyg.ruc@...
[nmr_sparky] wrote:

Hi all,

The new Sparky could convert .str file (NMR-STAR v3.1) to Sparky
resonance list. I can load this list by command rl. But, to use the
assignment downloaded from BMRB, I still need to generate a peak list
which I could use to create peaks in Sparky. Could you anyone tell me
how to do it? Thank you.
