Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] RH command
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Mar 28, 2006

Previous: 93

Hi Tiago,

Fitting the decaying exponential A*exp(Bt) to peak heights uses a
gradient descent type of approach in the parameter space (A,B). The
fitting is done in Sparky Python code


and it gives up after 100 steps. So it should never hang, even if
the minimization does not converge. Also I would not expect the steps
to take very long, although the step time is proportional to the
square of the number of spectra.

You could put a print statement in in the find_fit() function
right after the step_count is incremented to see the progress:

self.step_count = self.step_count + 1
print self.step_count

Youll need to have the Sparky Extensions/Python Shell window open to see
the output. And you could change the max_steps = 100 line so it gives
up after fewer steps if needed.
