Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Sparky on Ubuntu 11.04 problem
From: Joshua Ward
Date: May 16, 2011

Previous: 786 Next: 788

You probably just need to verify that /usr/local/sparky/bin/ is in your executable path.


unclecheong2000 kirjoitti May 14, 2011 kello 1:51 PM:

Hi All,

I am new to Sparky, I follow the installation instruction by typing tar zxf /tmp/sparky-linux2.6.tar.gz in a Ubuntu 11.04 machine to the suggested path /usr/local/sparky, but when I try to start the program in a terminal it doesnt run, an error message appears with sparky: command not found.

Could someone kindly confirm whether Sparky can run at Ubuntu 11.04, or at least and other version of Ubuntu.

Many thanks in advance!
