Subject: macro to zoom in/out all the opened spectra at once
From: nmrworker
Date: Jun 23, 2010

Next: 747

It should be pretty easy by modifying the below macro that sets contour levels for all the opened spectra at once: just change zoom value to be like 2*zoom or 0.5*zoom. However, which module can I retrieve this parameter?

def set_contour_levels():
p = session.project
from sparky import Contour_Levels
plev = Contour_Levels()
plev.lowest = 1000
nlev = Contour_Levels()
nlev.lowest = -1000
for v in p.view_list():
v.positive_levels = plev
v.negative_levels = nlev
session.add_command(kl, Set all contour levels, set_contour_levels)