Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] resonance panels?
From: Tom Goddard
Date: Apr 21, 2010

Previous: 680 Next: 684

Hi Jessica,

I dont think there is any other way besides the filtering to show
fewer resonances at the edges of spectrum plots in Sparky. If you
primarily want a vertical line at a specific resonance position you
could use the Add grid vert mode in the mouse mode panel (shown when
Sparky starts) and simply click on a peak that has the resonance
assignment for the resonance you are interested in. The gs shortcut
will hide and show all the grid lines. Select them and press the delete
key to delete individual lines.


Hi Tom,

I have definitely played with the filter resonance panels and
assignment guessing. Right now Im trying to use it in my
homonuclear cosys and tocsys, in which some regions of the spectra are
quite crowded so even with the i-i filter I am still seeing a ton of
resonances. Any suggestions for when Im working with these? Or are
there any extensions that would be more similar to the frequency
display in Felix?


On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:14 PM, Tom Goddard wrote:

Hi Jessie,

The Sparky resonance panels dont allow you to specify which
resonances you want to choose. You can reduce the number of
resonances shown by enabling Filter resonance panels (rf) in the
View settings dialog (vt). What this does is use the filtering
defined by the assignment guessing tool (ag). So, for example for an
HSQC the assignment guessing settings might say that the w1 axis and
w2 axis for a peak assignment should have the same residue number (i
- i) and this will limit the display of resonances in the panels when
you are looking at a subregion of the HSQC to only those that could
be used in a possible i-i assignment in the displayed area of the


Greetings, I am new to Sparky and was previously using Felix. A
feature I enjoyed was being able to display the frequencies of a
specific residue like grids on any of the other spectra (assigned or
unassigned). Is there such a feature in Sparky?

The closest thing I have found is displaying the resonance panels.
However, I cant seem to filter down to the resonances of just a
single residue without altering window size and aspect ratio. Is
there a better way to do this?
