Subject: problem using
From: Siavoush Dastmalchi
Date: Mar 17, 2010

Next: 658

Dear list,

I am trying to use and scripts, but I am geting the following error messages. Here are what I have entered in the command line for stand alone version of the script, and the messages I got back. I will appreciate any help.

Cheers, Siavoush ~/bin/ --C=0.2 --N=0.2 --H=0.02 -o myfile.bmrb myshift.shifts

Template NRM STAR file reading ..............................
Please enter your sequence in one-letter code :

Sparky chemical shift list reading ..........................

Atom name conversion to IUPAC nomenclature...................

translation from XPLOR to IUPAC nomenclature

ambiguity code assignment
- default ambiguity code 2 : -CH2, -CH3, -NH2 and -NH3
- default ambiguity code 3 : aromatic C and H from Y and F
- default ambiguity code 4 : HH1[12], HH2[12] from R

atom retrieval
Traceback (most recent call last):
File /home/siavoush/bin/, line 585, in ?
File /home/siavoush/bin/, line 514, in assign_ambiguity
residue = res_dict.values()[0].res
IndexError: list index out of range