Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Unreadable fonts in dialogs
From: Tom Goddard
Date: Feb 3, 2010

Previous: 637

Thanks for your fast reply. Its working great now. I just changed the
fonts to be the same as the default ubuntu fonts and they came up clear
and legible.


Hi John,

I guess this is a problem with the fonts installed on your system.
Sparky asks for Lucida and Courier fonts. Maybe your system doesnt
have a Lucida font and Sparky is getting some horrible next-best-font.
The right solution is to put the needed fonts on your system. I never
heard of this problem before, so I suspect you have some unusual font
setup. If you prefer you can instead change Sparkys resource file


with a text editor changing the lines that say courier or lucida to
some other font like helvetica or times then restart Sparky and see
if that helps.
