Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] SPARKYHOME setting
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Jun 22, 2009

Previous: 589

Hi Nick,

The way Sparky expects files in directories with fixed names (Save,
Projects, ...) is horrible. That was developed in the early 1990s
before Python was part of Sparky so it is in the C++ code. Some small
modifications to the C++ could ease the pain but it would require
recompiling Sparky. That requires having the right versions of Python
and Tcl/Tk and it uses an unconventional build method briefly described
in the manual:

The easiest modification would be to changing the
CheckDirectories() routine to always return true. Then you would never
be asked to create the standard directories.


nickfitzkee wrote:


I love sparky, but I find its default directory organization in
SPARKYHOME cumbersome, especially for multiple sets of data. Currently,
whenever I load files, I have to navigate through the system path to the
local directories where I store processed spectra, assignments, etc.
This can be a lot of navigating, and Sparky doesnt always consistently
remember the last working directory--so Ill typically have to navigate
repeatedly if I want to open several spectra, assginments, etc.

Alternatively, I could set SPARKYHOME to the current working directory
(CWD, .), but then Im prompted to create the home directories every
time I run sparky from a new location. Even then, Im still stuck with
extra directories that Id need to delete later.

Is there any way to set all three SPARKYHOME directories (Projects,
Lists, Saves) to the CWD so that I dont have to bother with its data
store anymore? Im comfortable modifying the python source, but I
havent found where this information may be stored there.
