Subject: Re: arbitrary evolution time domain sampling in multidimensional spectra
From: krzysztof.kazimierczuk
Date: Nov 29 2:25 AM

Previous: 430

Hi Sébastien, hi all,

If anyone is still interested in sampling-lineshape dependence in
Multidimensional Fourier Transform of non-linear sampling patterns I
invite you to our website:

or directly to:

Ive prepared for you some pictures showing example lineshapes and
sampling patterns :)

It should help somehow in choosing sampling pattern.Please note,
however that they all have been processed using the same, general
method (the same program). Only input changed.

Best Regards,
Krzysztof Kazimierczuk

excellent news, thank you.


At 05:26 17/10/2007, you wrote:

Dear all,

Our group has prepared free package of programs for non-linear
acquisition, which gives output also in Sparky format. It is based on
simple Multidimensional Fourier Transorm calculated in
multidimensional way rather than as a sequence of 1D FTs which allows
arbitrary sampling.
Basically it is included in Varian BioPack software, but we also
prepared a version which takes signal partially transformed(in direct
dimension) in nmrpipe as an input. It makes our software
spectrometer-independent and we would like to invite all of you to
try it!
Please visit our webpage: for
theory,references and download the software (because it is still early
version, please email us if you have any problems).

Best Regards,

Anna Zawadzka, Krzysztof Kazimierczuk, Wiktor Kozminski.