Subject: Re: OSX Leopard?
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Nov 26 4:37 PM

Hi Miles,

Sparky 3.113 has a mild problem on Leopard. It tries to start the X
server if finds that one is not already started. Leopard also tries to
start the X server automatically and somehow this results in Sparky not
starting at all. You can either start the X server by hand before you
start Chimera (open -a X11 in a Terminal on Leopard) or you can quit
the X server that starts when Sparky is started, and another will appear
and then it will work.

I also noticed that Sparky 3.113 does not start if there is a space
character in the path where it is installed.


Miles Pufall wrote:
Hi Guys -

Im Miles from the Yamamoto Lab upstairs at Genentech Hall - we are
ready to install Sparky on OSX 10.5, Leopard. Shoudl we just use the
10.4.8 version and see how it goes?

