Subject: Exporting data in DYANA/XEASY format
From: liwenfu24
Date: Apr 7, 2007

Next: 365

Dear all,

when I try to export the peaks of a N15 NOESY-HSQC in DYANA/XEASY
format, the output is a bit different from the required one (see below).

Although I can convert the output from my PC to the required one by
writing a conversion-script. But I believe that Sparky can output the
peaks in the required format. This is because another PC in our lab
running the same verion (3.110) of Sparky can do that.

Do you know how to let Sparky do that?

Thanks in advance!



Required format:

# Number of dimensions 3
1 119.917 8.875 8.875 2 U 2.560e+05 0.00e+00 m 0
162 163 163 0
2 119.917 4.391 8.875 2 U 2.118e+04 0.00e+00 m 0
162 165 163 0
3 119.917 2.051 8.875 2 U 2.822e+04 0.00e+00 m 0
162 167 163 0

The output from my PC invoked by the command xe:

# Number of dimensions 3
1 103.468 8.405 7.592 1 U 1.96e+07 0 e 0 165 148 164
2 103.462 7.589 7.595 1 U 6.52e+08 0 e 0 165 164 164
3 103.469 7.314 7.594 1 U 1.43e+08 0 e 0 165 172 164