Subject: Re: XEASY.prot format problem
From: henry_jonker
Date: Feb 7, 2007

Previous: 343 Next: 345

In , Suzuki, Rintaro wrote:

It seems to be necessary to adjust format, if you change values
to add 0 at the end of each lines.

This is correct;

format = %4d %s %1d %1s %9.3g %8.2g %1s %1d %s
values = (peak_id, freq_text, color_code, spectrum_type,
intensity, intensity_error, intensity_method, 0, id_text)

has to be changed to:

format = %4d %s %1d %1s %9.3g %8.2g %1s %1d %s %1d
values = (peak_id, freq_text, color_code, spectrum_type,
intensity, intensity_error, intensity_method, 0, id_text, 0)

This works and I used it quite some time ago for conversion of the
Sparky data to XEASY format for input to ARIA. This was before the
Sparky-input possibility in ARIA.

Concerning Problem 2

It seems indeed that those strange values are a repitition of some of
the previous values; could it be that there have been assignments /and
or peaks deleted that this script tries to use? Maybe the option
delete unused resonances (dr in menu Peak/Resonances) could help.

