Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] contours/display vs NMRPipe
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Jan 17, 2007

Previous: 333 Next: 335

Hi John,

I believe NMRDraw displays the contours using exactly the same method
as Sparky. So the only explanation of the differences you see is that
the spectra are in fact different. Sparky only works on real data
values (not complex values), so if you are displaying more than the real
part of the spectrum in NMRDraw that could explain the difference. The
only other idea I can think of is that you are not really looking at the
same spectrum. Perhaps pipe2ucsf failed and you are comparing a new
nmrPipe file to an older ucsf file. The pipe2ucsf program just copies
the data (real part) into the ucsf format. I have never heard of it
corrupting the data values.

Sparky maintainer