Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] complie from Sparky source
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Nov 14 10:31 AM

Previous: 31 Next: 33

Hi Tieying,

Im guessing that the trouble running the binary Sparky distribution on
Fedora Core 4 Linux is that is not part of that new OS version.
Claudia Blindauer pointed out this problem although she didnt specifically
mention Fedora Core 4.

Try putting the following (that came from Redhat Enterprise
Linux 4 based on Fedora Core 3)

in your Sparky distribution in directory


The comments from James about installing Java maybe allow Sparky to run
because Java installs the above Sparky does not depend on
Java in any way.

Compiling Sparky is not straightforward. It requires setting environment
variables in the make-sparky script to point to Python and Tcl/Tk. If you
still are interested in compiling, send the error message when compilation
quits and Ill try to help.
