Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] error: show resonances
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Nov 21 9:16 AM

Previous: 294

Hi Chris,

The resonances that get displayed are filtered using the assignment
guessing options (menu entry Peak / Assignments / Assignment Guessing,
shortcut ag). Only the resonances that could be involved in some peak
assignment guess in the displayed PPM region are displayed in the resonance
panels. So if in the assignment guessing dialog you have specified an
atom name that is not used in any resonances, then no resonances will be

One other idea about the cause of this problem -- are the missing
resonances always on the horizontal screen axis, i.e. at the bottom
of the spectrum window? Try swapping the two screen axes with shortcut
xx to test this. Resonances on the horizontal axis are displayed with
rotated text (i.e. vertically oriented text) and that may not be working
on your machine. It is working in Sparky 3.112 on Linux on my machine.
