Subject: about atom name translation in sparky
From: jhhong7546
Date: Aug 28, 2006

Hi all

Its bin a long time since I got some help from you guys.!

Recently, Im now ding NOE assignment using sparky

I want to do it by comparing with some known structure which is in PDB

format. But, There was a problem, because the atomic nomenclature

of my assignment and PDB was different. To get around this problem,

I tried ax macro which can translate between the different atomic

nomenclature format. But I couldnt do it. I dont know why.

I set the exact PDB file name in the ax dialogue window and select the

applicable translation and finally pressed the update button.

But, it didnt change at all. Maybe I misunderstood something about

the usage of ax macro. Any kind of help about this would be welcomed

well Thanking in advance for your kind help!..^^