Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Trouble on using hot keys, and labelling ...
From: Mandar T. Naik
Date: Jul 21, 2006

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Have you set Sparkys bin folder in your path? You might have noticed that
the sparky shell script in that folder checks and does the environment
settings required, before firing the adequate executable. Its more likely
that CentOS has more recent subversion of Python (rpm -q python) and for some
reason or other your SPARKY_INSTALL variable might not be getting properly
initiated, resulting in sparky trying to use newer python came with the OS
instead of one (2.4) which came bundled with itself. This is just a thought,

On Friday 21 July 2006 20:57, posnmrhj wrote:
Hello all, I installed sparky 3.110 on my linux PC recently but when I
try to use sparky with python, I cannot use hot keys (ie keyboard does
not work in the program) and also cannot label peaks. When without
python, Sparky works fine. I use CentOS Linux, a Redhat Enterprise
Linux clone with the kernel version of 2.6.9 and the patch level 22.
Does anyone have an idea on this problem? Help me, please.