Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Re: peaks saving in "project mode"
From: Luca Mollica
Date: Jun 30, 2006

Previous: 181


and thanks to you all for the answers.
This message is just to say that finally I have solved my problem yesterday with the help of a private
mail exchange with Eiso. Yes, Mandar, the point was exactly the one you have noticed: the name CBO was
not accepted by Sparky, but CBO1 was right and finally I have managed to load correctly my peaks. Maybe,
this issue was misunderstood due to ... well, a not-too-careful reading of the manual, I can say ! :(
Anyway, my question raised also because another time I had tried to edit manually my peaklist but I got
the same error that I got recently performing an assignement without editing the file: two different
situations (apparently), the same error ... therefore, I was wondering if it was a problem of
installation/OS. Now, I know hot to give names to residues and have my peaks back ! And no problems at
all with installation nor OS ...

Thanx to everyone for the kind help!


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