Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Runaway Strips
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Jun 6, 2006

Previous: 161 Next: 163

Hi Mandar,

Thanks for telling me the orthogonal views method of getting the
strip in the Sparky windows menu. That allowed me to reproduce the
problem and I have fixed the code. The bug occurs when Sparky makes a
new spectrum view window but the window with no numeric suffix
(e.g. hnca) already exists. Then Sparky chooses a numeric suffix for
the new view. That causes the windows menu to be udpated because the
new view is renamed. If there are strips open at that point they were
incorrectly being put into the windows menu because that code failed to
test to see if the spectrum views were top level windows (ie not strips).
There are no doubt other ways to hit this bug -- it just requires creating
a view of a spectrum that has to have a new number appended. My plan
is to incorporate this fix into a new Sparky release candidate (3.113).
This may take a few months because I am going on vacation for 3 weeks
at the end of June and have other work to do before then. Ill post
an announcement when the new release candidate is available.

It is fine to have all your spectrum windows minimized. I would not
expect any problems from doing that.

Thanks for helping me track down this bug. It was in 3.110 and probably
older versions too and I recall having it reported in the past and never
being able to reproduce it.
