Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Runaway Strips
From: Thomas Goddard
Date: Jun 6, 2006

Previous: 159 Next: 161

Hi Mandar,

Ive never seen strip plot strips added to the Sparky Windows menu.
That is a bug. I tried to make that happen but was not able to. I looked
at the Sparky code and do not see any way it could happen. The Sparky
code only adds a spectrum view to the Windows menu if it is a top level
window. Do you have any ideas about how to consistently produce the
problem? I guess the entry in the Sparky Windows menu typically has
a pretty high number appended (eg hnca/87)? I can see in the code that
if a strip did get added to the Windows menu then it would never be
removed (since it is not a top level spectrum window), and then after
the spectrum is deleted, clicking that entry would cause a crash. My
only theory about how it could happen is that it is being added to the
menu before the spectrum window is displayed and Tk (the windowing toolkit
used by Sparky) is incorrectly reporting that it is a top level window.

I also see that Sparky takes 10 seconds when I delete the first peak
of a project with a few thousand peaks. That is unfortunate. Im guessing
it is creating peak lists that are not necessary. It would require more
investigation than I have time for now, though I suspect it could be fixed.

Thanks for reporting these problems.
