Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] how to change the line thickness of contours
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Jun 4, 2019

Previous: 1463 Next: 1465

Hi Bo,

You can just change thickness in coreldraw. Personally, I just use ] key to make more contour lines for figures (hold shift key for negative contour lines).


On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 11:01 AM James Chen jameschenbo@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:

Dear all,

Is there a way to specify the contour line stroke(thickness) in sparky? I tried using command OT then adjust the number for the line. However, when I imported the ps figure into figure editing program(I use coreldraw), the displayed line stroke remains very very thin. So when I prepare a TIFF or JPG file, it would be too light to see. 

Thanks a lot!
