Subject: Data heights
From: Mandar T. Naik
Date: May 28, 2006

Next: 147

I have heteronuclear NOE experiment acquired in interleaved manner on a Bruker
spectrometer. After separation it leads to two 2Ds corresponding to reference
and het-Noe. Both are processed in “identical” manner. One needs to figure
out the ratio of intensity in both spectra (theoretically 1).

When the data is processed in XWinNMR and imported in Sparky (direct read or
bruk2ucsf), the ratio for all residues comes above 10 and obviously doesnt
make any sense. Same data analyzed in Brukers Aurelia gives proper
acceptable values of 1.

Interestingly when the same data is processed in nmrPipe and then further
analyzed in Sparky, it gives identical ratios to Aurelia.

Apparently Xwin scales data matrix in a disproportionate manner, which Aureila
can handle, but Sparky cant.

Things tried on Xwin processed data and didnt help:

1.Change error estimate to same value for both sets in ST.
2.Kept same CT while peak integration.
3.Refresh heights PH.
4.Removed XwinNMR baseline correction.

Lastly this might not be a bug in Sparky and has more to do with Xwin

Best regards