Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] Question About EasyBruk2UCSF Utility
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Feb 4, 2019

Previous: 1447 Next: 1449

Dear James,

I think that is NC_proc parameter related scaling problem processed in TopSpin.
When you process your data in TopSpin, intensities will be relatively adjusted based on NC_proc parameter.
1. You can open procs file with a text editor like wordpad, find ##$NC_proc= and edit them to have all same values (e.g. -8). Then, run easy_bruk2ucsf. 
2. Another way is just to run bruk2ucsf with NC_proc parameter on terminal. Syntax: bruk2ucsf bruker-file ucsf-file opt: NC_proc


On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 9:33 AM Gibson, James gibsoj3@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:

Starting from Topspin, I had a pseudo 3D experiment.  I repeatedly used xfb to get all my 2D planes.  Then, when I use the bruk2ucsf utility from the NMRFAM pulldown menu in nmrfam_sparky, I see command lines such as:


etc.  But sometimes, I have 34 slices and about 30 of them have the -8, and then only 4 have the -9, and then -9 2D files are significantly higher in intensity across the board for peaks I know should be the same height in all of them.  What does this final number mean and is there any way to change it?

