Subject: Re: [nmr_sparky] enlarge area of scales showing resonance assignments
From: Woonghee Lee
Date: Jan 28, 2019

Previous: 1443

Dear David,

You can change SPARKY_INSTALL_DIR /lib/Sparky file to adjust.
Change the numbers for parameters below and restart the program to see you like:

Sparky*View.xScale.height: 35
Sparky*View.yScale.width: 50
Sparky*View.xResPanel.height: 100
Sparky*View.yResPanel.width: 100
Sparky*View.xSlicePanel.height: 100
Sparky*View.ySlicePanel.width: 100

Defaults for SPARKY_INSTALL_DIR  are:
for Mac, Windows and Linux respectively.


On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 4:29 AM Schröder, David Christopher dschroeder@... [nmr_sparky] wrote:

Dear Woonghee Lee,


is there an option to enlarge the area of the scales where the resonance assignments are being shown?


Best regards,
