Subject: Re: Pine Auto Assignment Question
From: woonghee_lee
Date: Jun 26, 2018

Previous: 1391

Dear James,

If you are using PINE-SPARKY.2 automation plugin and import the results using it, you are getting I-PINE (basically PINE 3.0) results which should be better than PINE 2.0. If are using experiments all compatible with PINE 2.0, you will get PINE 2.0 results, too in your email inbox. If some experiments you use are not compatible (e.g. N-NOESY, HNCANNH, HBHANH, etc), you only get I-PINE results. I am preparing a manuscript so please cite PINE-SPARKY.2 paper for now if you are using the plugin. Also, I made a separate I-PINE user group because it accepts submissions from web page where other software users can submit, too.
